Devart SecureBridge 9.4.1 Professional源码版 支持 RAD Studio 11 Alexandria
2021-10-15 11:05:12 17.14MB SecureBridge9.4
ehlibnos_5.5.159 For Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 自动安装版
2021-10-13 16:18:23 4.25MB ehlib delphi c++ builder
SN:MAAF-SPD7DK-BLAGAD-FEBN 破解方法: 1、先用MAAF-SPD7DK-BLAGAD-FEBN序列号安装。 2、安装完后删除8.0\License目录下所有.slip文件,再复制RADStudioXE.slip到此目录下. 3、在把bds.exe和sanctuarylib.dll复制到8.0\bin目录下覆盖。 4、完成。
2021-10-12 11:31:49 5.73MB Delphi DelphiXE DelphiXE破解 Delphi破解
RAD.Studio.XE完美破解补丁 破解方法: 1、先用MAAF-SPD7DK-BLAGAD-FEBN序列号安装。 2、安装完后删除8.0\License目录下所有.slip文件,再复制RADStudioXE.slip到此目录下. 3、在把bds.exe复制到8.0\bin目录下覆盖。 4、完成。
2021-10-10 15:35:04 5.16MB RAD Studio XE 破解
支持delphi,rad Xe,Xe2,Xe3,Xe4,Xe5
2021-10-06 12:43:51 22.49MB Ehlib DBGrid
RadStudio 10 全系列注册机,支持从Rad Studio 10 Seattle 到 10.1 Berlin Update 1所有版本
2021-09-30 17:22:58 525KB RadStudio Berlin 10.1U1
UniDAC 9.0 for RAD Studio 10.4
2021-09-29 09:04:33 107.1MB unidac
UniDAC 9.0 for RAD Studio 11
2021-09-29 09:04:33 111.05MB unidac
Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.3.3 Rio Architect v26.0.36039.7899 Keygen 1.Mount delphicbuilder10_3_3_7899_nt.iso distribution kit and start the installation process, select the language. Check the box, agree with the license, click Next Now on the License agreement page… 3. Press the Back button. Now use theKeypatch… 4. Click Generate to get a new serial number. !!! It is advisable not to use other serial numbers from the Internet !!! 5. now click Next on the installation page and continue the installation process … 6. After the installation is completed, click Patch RAD Studio , then select IB instance , and click Patch InterBase . 7. Run RAD Studio with administrator rights and run InterBase . Upon completion of the application of keypatch and the relative performance of the AHD Studio, the keypatch can be removed from the PC.
2021-09-17 15:34:17 729KB RAD Studio 10.3.3 Rio
2021-09-17 14:49:23 6.14MB delphi