压缩包内包含msvc和mingw64两个版本的openssl动态库,下载后将dll放在Qt安装目录下对应的bin目录即可,比如本人的D:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\5.14.2\msvc2017_64\bin 和 D:\Qt\Qt5.14.2\5.14.2\mingw73_64\bin。 可以使用 QSslSocket::supportsSsl()判断是否生效。 或者使用 qInfo() << QScopedPointer(new QNetworkAccessManager)->supportedSchemes(); 输出 ("ftp", "file", "qrc", "http", "https", "data"),有https也说明生效了。
2023-05-17 16:40:07 2.96MB Qt5.14 openssl MinGW64
2023-05-16 13:41:10 54.8MB 研华 采集卡 c++ qt5
2023-05-16 13:32:12 38.7MB Qt5 开发及实例 PPT
Qt5.14,OpenCv4.5.5,OCR库编写的图片中汉字识别小例程,简单测试功能,代码及库均在其中,供学习和交流使用。 正在做基于Paddle的文字识别,目前存在环境问题,如通过将提供分享交流
2023-05-10 20:06:23 115.53MB qt5 c++
解决Qt5在麒麟Linux下不能输入中文的问题,需要了解fcitx并安装fcitx的插件库到应用程序中并启动fcitx。Fcitx是 (Free Chinese Input Toy for X) 的英文缩写,中文名为小企鹅输入法,是一个以 GPL 方式发布的输入法框架, 编写它的目是为桌面环境提供一个灵活的输入方案,彻底解决在GNU/Linux下没有一个好的中文输入法的问题。
2023-04-27 10:07:01 201KB fcitx linux输入法 linux中文 Qt5中文输入
qt 实现炫酷计时器,可以自由缩放大小,支持4K显示,正计时和倒计时,还有圆环进度条。
2023-04-25 22:17:56 40KB qt 不计时器 时钟
QT自绘滑条控件Slider,可设置横向和纵向,单滑块或者双滑块 ,重写Slider中的样式,仅供参考
2023-04-23 19:41:34 5KB QT5 双向Slider Slider重写
2023-04-22 11:19:25 3.61MB c++
2023-04-13 20:48:24 1.02MB Qt
Create visually appealing and feature-rich applications by using Qt 5 and the C++ language Qt 5, the latest version of Qt, enables you to develop applications with complex user interfaces for multiple targets. It provides you with faster and smarter ways to create modern UIs and applications for multiple platforms. This book will teach you to design and build graphical user interfaces that are functional, appealing, and user-friendly. In the initial part of the book, you will learn what Qt 5 is and what you can do with it. You will explore the Qt Designer, discover the different types of widgets generally used in Qt 5, and then connect your application to the database to perform dynamic operations. Next, you will be introduced to Qt 5 chart which allows you to easily render different types of graphs and charts and incorporate List View Widgets in your application. You will also work with various Qt modules, like QtLocation, QtWebEngine, and the networking module through the course of the book. Finally, we will focus on cross-platform development with QT 5 that enables you to code once and run it everywhere, including mobile platforms. By the end of this book, you will have successfully learned about high-end GUI applications and will be capable of building many more powerful, cross-platform applications. What You Will Learn Implement tools provided by Qt 5 to design a beautiful GUI Understand different types of graphs and charts supported by Qt 5 Create a web browser using the Qt 5 WebEngine module and web view widget Connect to the MySQL database and display data obtained from it onto the Qt 5 GUI Incorporate the Qt 5 multimedia and networking module in your application Develop Google Map-like applications using Qt 5’s location module Discover cross-platform development by exporting the Qt 5 application to different platforms Uncover the secrets behind debugging Qt 5 and C++ applications
2023-04-12 15:06:35 12.64MB QT C++ GUI QT5