Needle in A Haystack -- Catch Multiple Zero-days Using Sandbox
2021-08-21 19:00:53 2.12MB 安全
解决多旅行上问题,该 问题与TSP问题不同,TSP问题是围绕用户走一个闭合回路,要求距离最短,而多旅行商问题寻找多个回路,并且距离最短
2021-08-16 09:16:33 197KB 外文
作者Richard Hartley 中文版就一版,现在已经绝版,而且里面有些错误。这本英文版是原版第二版(不是扫描版),可以进行编辑操作的
2021-08-13 18:32:54 10.08MB 深度学习  计算机视觉
Multiple hypotheses tracking
2021-08-09 17:36:25 778KB tracker
论文《Pointproofs:Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments》作者的演讲ppt,演讲视频已搬运到b站,可自行搜索
2021-08-08 19:26:58 1.08MB 密码学 Commitment
2021-08-06 11:03:06 9.88MB 计算机视觉 多视图几何
Multiple Terrain Brush is an editor tool with brushes for heightmaps and textures that work on multiple terrains. You can easily paint heightmap and textures, without switching from terrain to terrain. With multiple terrain burshes you can avoid terrain holes in borders during height map painting and editing. Brushes also contain smooth which is stitching and it's removing terrain holes. Pack contains: - Unity 2017 support - Heightmaps brushes - Texture painting brushes - Smooth brush with stitching function - Multiple terrain texture adding system - Manual - Nonsquare terrains support - Compatibility with World Streamer and Terrain Stitcher Multiple Terrain Brush v1.6 requires Unity 5.1.2, v2.0 requires unity 5.4.1+.
2021-08-03 11:34:13 8.16MB Terrai
该工具箱定义了一个新的 mp 类,允许通过与 GNU 多精度算术库和 MPFR 库的 mex 接口库在 Matlab 中创建多个精度对象。
2021-08-03 09:33:21 920KB 开源软件
Evaluating Multiple Object Tracking Performance - The Clear MOT Metrics
2021-07-24 18:03:34 2.14MB Tracking
Learning Local Feature Descriptors for Multiple Object Tracking
2021-07-24 18:03:33 2.16MB Tracking