Head First C#, 2nd Edition,2010年出版,英文原版pdf格式
2023-12-24 05:06:49 23.76MB 编程语言 LINQ
五、模块的组合应用 #+ 模块的串联 为获得较高的输出电压时,模块可以串联使用。但在模块串联应用时,应注意以下几 个问题: (#)串联运行的电源模块中,一个模块的输出可能会影响另一个模块的反馈回路; ())由于电源模块的输出电压纹波不同步,串联后的输出端会出现附加的纹波电压; (,)串联后的输出电压不能超过串联运行中的任一电源模块的击穿电压; (-)串联后的最大输出电流应小于串联运行中任一电源模块的输出电流额定值。 电源模块串联运行的原理图如图 ! " ,! 所示。图中仅给出了两个模块串联应用的情 况。每个电源模块的输出端都跨接一个反向偏置的二极管。在电源开机或负载短路的情 况下,由于串联运行中的各个电源模块建立输出电压不可能同步,建立较慢的电源模块的 输出端会被加上反向电压,反向偏置的二极管为反向电流提供了通路,限制了各电源模块 输出端上的反向电压,对电源模块起到了保护作用。图中的反向偏置二极管一般选择正 向导通压降较低的肖特基二极管,其反向耐压应大于串联运行的各个电源模块输出电压 的总和,平均电流应大于电源输出电流的两倍。 若电源模块有正负对应的双路输出,如 . #)%、. #(% 或 . #!% 等,可以将两组输出电 压串联起来,而让公共端(/01)悬浮,负载直接接到正、负输出端,如图 ! " ,2 所示。从而 获得 )-%、,*% 或 ,$% 的单路输出。 图 ! " ,! 电源模块串联运行的原理图 ! " 第四篇 高频开关稳压电源优化设计 #! 2$$
2023-12-22 08:14:23 192.09MB 开关电源
[Oreilly] JavaScript The Definitive Guide 6th Edition 《Javascript 权威指南 第6版》
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QT入门级示例代码,其中包含了QT GUI的绝大部分功能实现,其中涉及了大部分QT控件相关的类操作,实现了类似于Excel的软件功能。附带QT教材。本示例程序对应教材前四章(本人从QT小白边看教材边写程序,以自身经历说明,基本看完教材前四章并完成示例程序的编写,你就完全可以编写自己的QT软件了)。
2023-12-20 18:11:22 15.31MB GUI SpreadSheet Widget
The .NET Design Pattern Framework 4.5 is actually 10 products in one -- each filled with .NET code and information you will not find anywhere else -- and each working together, ready to give your apps, your projects, and your career a boost. They are: 69 Comprehensive .NET 4.5 GoF Design Pattern Projects 23 Valuable UML Diagrams in Visio format 3-Tier / N-Tier Pattern and Practices based Architectures Reference Application: ASP.NET MVC Patterns Reference Application: ASP.NET Web Forms Patterns Reference Application: Windows Forms Patterns Reference Application: WPF Patterns NEW Art Shop -- A fully functional, real-world e-commerce Web App NEW SparkTM -- A rapid application development (RAD) platform & more... Printable PDF documents for all Projects & Patterns Our most recent release, Design Pattern Framework 4.5, has been enhanced with the latest insights into building apps using modern architectures, patterns, and best practices. These include MVC 4, SimpleMembership, OAuth with Facebook, REST, Active Record Pattern, CQRS Pattern, Repository and Unit-of-Work Patterns, and more. We're particularly excited about the addition of our new SparkTM technology. Spark is a RAD (rapid application development) platform that helps you deliver .NET applications faster and better than ever before. Continue reading to learn more.
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Applying UML and Patterns An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition).pdf UML经典教材
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使用Yocto项目进行嵌入式Linux开发-第二版 这是发行的进行的代码库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 Yocto Project被证明是创建可靠的嵌入式Linux项目的最佳集成框架。 它具有诸如缩短开发时间,提高可靠性和健壮性等功能,因此具有优于其他框架的优势。 使用Yocto Project进行嵌入式Linux开发首先是对所有Yocto Project工具的深入说明,以帮助您执行不同的基于Linux的任务。 然后,本书继续深入介绍Poky和BitBake。 它还包括使用嵌入式Linux可用的Yocto Project工具构建Linux子系统项目的一些实际用例。 本书还涵盖了SDK,recipetool等主题。 到本书结尾,您将学习如何为实际的硬件板生成和运行映像,并获得使用Yocto Project构建高效Linux系统的动手经验。 说明和导航
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机器学习算法第二版 这是Packt发布的《 的代码库。 流行于数据科学和机器学习的算法 这本书是关于什么的? 机器学习以其强大而快速的大型数据集预测而获得了极大的普及。 但是,强大功能背后的真正力量是涉及大量统计分析的复杂算法,该算法搅动大型数据集并产生实质性见解。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 研究特征选择和特征工程过程 评估性能和误差权衡以进行线性回归 建立数据模型并使用不同类型的算法了解其工作方式 学习调整支持向量机(SVM)的参数 探索自然语言处理(NLP)和推荐系统的概念 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 例如,Chapter02。 该代码将如下所示: from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score svc =
2023-12-15 16:31:18 97KB Python
The Best-Selling C++ Resource Now Updated for C++11 The C++ standard library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. The library, however, is not self-explanatory. To make full use of its components–and to benefit from their power–you need a resource that does far more than list the classes and their functions. The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, Second Edition, describes this library as now incorporated into the new ANSI/ISO C++ language standard (C++11). The book provides comprehensive documentation of each library component, including an introduction to its purpose and design; clearly written explanations of complex concepts; the practical programming details needed for effective use; traps and pitfalls; the exact signature and definition of the most important classes and functions; and numerous examples of working code. The book focuses in particular on the Standard Template Library (STL), examining containers, iterators, function objects, and STL algorithms. The book covers all the new C++11 library components, including Concurrency Fractional arithmetic Clocks and timers Tuples New STL containers New STL algorithms New smart pointers New locale facets Random numbers and distributions Type traits and utilities Regular expressions The book also examines the new C++ programming style and its effect on the standard library, including lambdas, range-based for loops, move semantics, and variadic templates.
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