从墙外的蓝牙官网上下载的,1英文版本 分别有三个pdf: 1、《Mesh Profile》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines fundamental requirements to enable an interoperable mesh networking solution for Bluetooth low energy wireless technology. 2、《Mesh Model》 2019-01-21 This Bluetooth specification defines models (along with their required states and messages) that are used to perform basic functionality on the nodes in a mesh network beyond the foundation models defined in the Bluetooth Mesh Profile specification [2]. This specification includes generic models defining functionality that is standard across device types, and models, such as lighting control, sensors, and time and scenes, to support key mesh scenarios. 3、《Mesh Device Properties v1.0》 2017-07-13 This specification contains the normative definitions for all adopted GATT characteristics and characteristic descriptors, with the exception of those defined in the Bluetooth Core Specification or in Bluetooth Service specifications.
2022-08-10 10:02:13 7.72MB 蓝牙 mesh 规范
(1)应用内部 (2)语言无关: (3)大量减少应用间连接数:同一主 (4)大量减少数据库连接数:原因同 (5)提升通信加密的效率:可以将通 (6)调用过程的集
2022-08-04 09:01:47 1000KB .net service_mesh 微服务
2022-07-29 18:03:21 24.63MB openwrt CR660x
2022-07-27 20:00:48 71.32MB AX3路由器 TC7102移动定制 电信定制AX3
Unity UI图片转化为3d物体插件_UCLA Mesh Creator
2022-07-27 10:59:29 5.39MB Unity3D Icon Mesh
2022-07-26 16:14:10 4.4MB Unity 文字特效 SuperTextMesh
2022-07-19 18:49:36 20.65MB 源码软件 unity
2022-07-13 16:08:26 3.12MB unity3d unity Mesh MeshTerrainEdito
Fast mesh simplification via edge collapsing This project contains an implementation of a "multiple choice" mesh simplfication algorithm. Over a number of iterations a random fraction of the total edges in the supplied mesh are processed with a subset of these processed edges collapsed (the lowest scoring collapses win when a collision occurs). The only non-standard dependency is the qef_simd.h single file header which you can find in my "qef" project, a version is also included here.
2022-07-11 16:09:16 38.76MB mesh simplificat 网格简化 快速网格简化
中国电子云数据库 Mesh 项目 DBPack 的实践.doc
2022-07-11 14:08:59 443KB 技术资料