互补性 该软件包为(1)混合互补问题(MCP)和(2)带有平衡问题的数学程序(MPEC)提供了建模语言。 注意@complmentarity对于MCP, @complements对于MPEC, @complements 。 混合互补问题(MCP) 注意: 已在v0.6.2和v1.1.0之间完全重写。 现在,PATHSolver.jl既提供了指向解算器的接口,又提供了与JuMP的集成,但目前仅限于线性问题。 对于非线性问题,您仍然需要使用 ,现在它还使用新的PATHSolver.jl作为其求解器。 Complementarity.jl的大多数部分保持不变,除了如何传递求解器选项。 该软件包提供了一个建模和计算接口,用于解决(MCP):通过建模,以及通过和计算。 请参阅。 F(x) ⟂ lb ≤ x ≤ ub 一个非常简单的例子: (x+2) x = 0, x ≥ 0, x+2
2021-11-09 15:55:32 2.82MB Finite Element Methods
李泽湘 运动学 动力学求解This chapter presents an introduction to the dynamics and control of robot manipulators. We derive the equations of motion for a general open-chain manipulator and, using the structure present in the dynam- ics, construct control laws for asymptotic tracking of a desired trajectory. In deriving the dynamics, we will make explicit use of twists for repre- senting the kinematics of the manipulator and explore the role that the kinematics play in the equations of motion. We assume some familiarity with dynamics and control of physical systems.
2021-11-09 11:47:43 2.61MB 旋量
Amazon价值1200美元的书,一共2178页,2015年出版的新书,本人已去除pdf中水印 大体看了下,此书是纯理论的书,书中没有代码 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1493907891?keywords=Handbook%20of%20Mathematical%20Methods%20in%20Imaging Hardcover: 2178 pages Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. 2015 edition (May 30, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1493907891 ISBN-13: 978-1493907892 The Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging provides a comprehensive treatment of the mathematical techniques used in imaging science. The material is grouped into two central themes, namely, Inverse Problems (Algorithmic Reconstruction) and Signal and Image Processing. Each section within the themes covers applications (modeling), mathematics, numerical methods (using a case example) and open questions. Written by experts in the area, the presentation is mathematically rigorous. This expanded and revised second edition contains updates to existing chapters and 16 additional entries on important mathematical methods such as graph cuts, morphology, discrete geometry, PDEs, conformal methods, to name a few. The entries are cross-referenced for easy navigation through connected topics. Available in both print and electronic forms, the handbook is enhanced by more than 200 illustrations and an extended bibliography. It will benefit students, scientists and researchers in applied mathematics. Engineers and computer scientists working in imaging will also find this handbook useful. 目录 Part I Inverse Problems – Methods Linear Inverse Problems Large-Scale Inverse Problems in Imaging Regularization Methods for Ill-Posed Problems Distance Measures and Applications to Multimodal Variational Imaging Energy Minimization Methods Compressive Sensing Duality and Convex Programming EM Algorithms EM Algorithms from a Non-stochastic Perspective Iterative Solution Methods Level Set Methods for Structural Inversion and Image Reconstruction Part II Inverse Problems – Case Examples Expansion Methods Sampling Methods
2021-11-09 11:07:41 47.2MB Mathematical Methods Imaging
Student Solution Manual for Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering Third Edition by K. F. Riley and M. P. Hobson
2021-11-08 22:39:35 2.22MB Mathematical Methods Physics Engineering
This handbook results from a 10-year project conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology with an international group of expert authors and validators. Printed in full color, it is destined to replace its predecessor, the classic but long-outdated Handbook of Mathematical Functions, edited by Abramowitz and Stegun. Included with every copy is a CD with a searchable PDF of each chapter.
2021-11-06 19:55:22 27.8MB Mathematical
针对各大科研机构,研究生,博士、教师等科研工作者用于推导公式,发高级别论文所用! 【全新彩印】有封面,有目录,完整性好
2021-11-06 12:01:12 13.8MB 数学函数手册
2021-11-05 10:53:33 7.02MB 压缩感知 数学 信号处理
1 Vector Analysis 1 1.1 Definitions, Elementary Approach 1 1.2 Rotation of the Coordinate Axes 7 1.3 Scalar or Dot Product 12 1.4 Vector or Cross Product 18 1.5 Triple Scalar Product, Triple Vector Product 25 1.6 Gradient, V 32 1.7 Divergence, V 38 1.8 Curl, Vx 43 1.9 Successive Applications of V 49 1.10 Vector Integration 54 1.11 Gauss' Theorem 60 1.12 Stokes' Theorem 64 1.13 Potential Theory 68 1.14 Gauss' Law, Poisson's Equation 79 1.15 Dirac Delta Function 83 1.16 Helmholtz's Theorem 95 Additional Readings 101 2 Vector Analysis in Curved Coordinates and Tensors 103 2.1 Orthogonal Coordinates in R3 103 2.2 Differential Vector Operators 110 2.3 Special Coordinate Systems: Introduction 114 2.4 Circular Cylinder Coordinates 115 2.5 Spherical Polar Coordinates 123 ν 2.6 Tensor Analysis 133 2.7 Contraction, Direct Product 139 2.8 Quotient Rule 141 2.9 Pseudotensors, Dual Tensors 142 2.10 General Tensors 151 2.11 Tensor Derivative Operators 160 Additional Readings 163 3 Determinants and Matrices 165 3.1 Determinants 165 3.2 Matrices 176 3.3 Orthogonal Matrices 195 3.4 Hermitian Matrices, Unitary Matrices 208 3.5 Diagonalization of Matrices 215 3.6 Normal Matrices 231 Additional Readings 239 4 Group Theory 241 4.1 Introduction to Group Theory 241 4.2 Generators of Continuous Groups 246 4.3 Orbital Angular Momentum 261 4.4 Angular Momentum Coupling 266 4.5 Homogeneous Lorentz Group 278 4.6 Lorentz Covariance of Maxwell's Equations 283 4.7 Discrete Groups 291 4.8 Differential Forms 304 Additional Readings 319 5 Infinite Series 321 5.1 Fundamental Concepts 321 5.2 Convergence Tests 325 5.3 Alternating Series 339 5.4 Algebra of Series 342 5.5 Series of Functions 348 5.6 Taylor's Expansion 352 5.7 Power Series 363 5.8 Elliptic Integrals 370 5.9 Bernoulli Numbers, Euler-Maclaurin Formula 376 5.10 Asymptotic Series 389 5.11 Infinite Products 396 Additional Readings 401 6 Functions of a Complex Variable I Analytic P
2021-10-26 13:48:50 8.1MB Mathematical Physicists
本书作者是斯坦福大学的数学家基思·德夫林,书中没有公式,纯讲数学思维,将抽象描述成数学语言,用数学逻辑来证明事物的正确性,现如今,优秀的分析思维能力比以往任何时候都更加重要,而具备“数学思维技能”的人会在竞争中占据巨大优势。 该书为英文文字版书籍,并且针对Kindle已经做了裁剪。
2021-10-25 20:42:04 1.23MB 数学 Math Mathematics