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1.EtherCAT为目前最快速之工业网络技术,优点为国际标准安全协议、高效率低成本、精确同步、灵活拓朴结构、冗馀回复功能。 2.因应工业4.0智慧制造智慧工厂等工业自动化市场需求的增加,InfineonMCUXMC4800集成提供EtherCATSlave工业乙太网路控制技术,实现工业自动化控制、智慧生产制造机器人、远端总线监控等应用。 3.InfineonXMC4800/XMC4300为EtherCAT协会会员产品,客户可基于XMC4800开发EtherCATslave远端AIO/DIO模组、EtherCATP电源、EtherCATslave马达运动控制器、机械手臂……等工控产品。 4.展示板XMC4800集成MCU和EtherCATslaveASIC,应用于EtherCATSlave产品。 5.EtherCATMasterPC使用开源工具TwinCAT3监控Slave。 6.8通道ISOFACE数位输入接口可监视8个设备节点,8通道ISOFACE数位输出接口可控制8个设备节点,目前广泛应用于工厂自动化和楼宇自动化产品。 场景应用图产品实体图展示板照片方案方块图核心技术优势一、芯片优势: 1. XMC4800 MCU based on ARM Cortex-M4 at 144 MHz, 2 MB flash and 352 KB SRAM. 2. XMC4800 integrated Beckhoff ET1100 EtherCAT ASIC, interface capable of 100 Mbit/s transfer rates with 2 MII ports. 3. 通讯单元:Ethernet, USB, CAN bus, UART, SPI, IIC, IIS, external memory, SD/MMC card. 4. 外设单元:ADC 12-bit, DAC 12-bit, POSIF and DSD for motor control. 5. PWM CCU4/CCU8 support capture, compare, timer, counter, mosfet dead time. 二、EtherCAT slave demo: 1. 软体工具说明: (1) XMC_ESC excel:定义 Isoface 8ch DI/8ch DO位址和输出输入格式。 (2) Beckhoff Slave Stack Code Tool:简称SSC Tool为代码产生器,产生EtherCAT SSC code and ESI file. (3) DAVE4:Infineon XMC IDE. (4) TwinCAT2/TwinCAT3:EtherCAT master monitor. 2. XMC_ESC 定义 EtherCAT slave设备位址和输出输入格式。 3. SSC tool代码产生器,产生SSC code, ESI file和ETG产品资讯。 4. XMC_ESC.c 撰写展示板对应位址和通道之程式。 5. DAVE4撰写XMC4800 and EtherCAT slave 应用层,打通EtherCAT slave控制。 6. TwinCAT3为EtherCAT monitor,模拟控制工厂远端设备节点。 方案规格1. Infineon XMC4800集成支持工业乙太网路从站自动化控制应用。 2. EtherCAT slave controller support 1 MII port input, 1MII port output. 3. 24V 8通道数位输入模组,具备电源隔离与故障保护,可监控工厂设备输入讯号。 4. 24V 8通道数位输出模组,具备电源隔离与故障保护,可远端控制工厂设备输出讯号。 5. OPTIGA Trust E 适用于工业自动化系统,增强系统安全性。 6. 展示板通讯接口,整合工业远端控制:EtherCAT slave, Ethernet, CAN bus, micro USB, external SDRAM, external FRAM. 7. IDE DAVE4 example code for basic EtherCAT physical layer evaluation. 8. Beckhoff slave stack code tool for EtherCAT software support. 9. Third-party driver tools for full EtherCAT application and charge support. 10. TwinCAT 3 support EtherCAT master. 本方案来源“大大通”
2024-01-18 19:17:04 7.49MB 工业控制 通讯模块 电路方案
2024-01-13 09:29:39 1.28MB amr js 播放
使用python实现的的罗克韦尔PLC EtherNET/IP 有完整示例
2024-01-09 12:21:45 125KB python EtherNET/IP
2024-01-01 13:32:36 2.57MB 企业应用
注意,版本是SSC 5.12, 不要看HELP里面的版本,那个1.4 是config file vers. 打开软件首页中间就显示了SSC Version 5.12 config file vers. 目前2023年,EtherCAT.org最新的才5.13,需要正式会员才能下载,网上没没流传出来。
2023-12-31 13:25:05 48.05MB
2023-12-30 16:47:20 11KB 奈奎斯特
Wrox Press 2010出版,并行编程+c#,提供给感兴趣的朋友 In 2007, Microsoft released the fi rst Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework. The old .NET Framework multithreading programming model was too complex and heavyweight for the forthcoming multicore and manycore CPUs. I had been researching parallel programming, multiprocessor, and multicore since 1997, so I couldn’t help installing the fi rst CTP and trying it. It was obvious that it was going to be an exciting new way of expressing parallelism in future C# versions. Visual Studio 2010 ships with version 4 of the .NET Framework, the fi rst release to include Parallel Extensions. C# 4 and .NET Framework 4 allow you to shift to a modern task-based programming model to express parallelism. It is easier to write code that takes advantage of multicore microprocessors. Now, you can write code that scales as the number of available cores increases, without having to work with complex managed threads. You are able to write code that runs tasks, and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) will inject the necessary threads for you. It is easy to run data parallelism algorithms taking advantage of multicore. At the time of this writing, multicore microprocessors are everywhere. Servers, desktop computers, laptops and notebooks, netbooks, mobile Internet devices (MIDs), tablets, and even smartphones use multicore microprocessors. The average number of cores in each microprocessor is going to increase in the forthcoming years. Are you going to lose the opportunity to transform this multicore power into application performance? Parallel programming must become part of your skill set to effectively develop applications for modern hardware in C#. I spent more than three years working with the diverse versions of Parallel Extensions until Visual Studio 2010 was offi cially released. I enjoyed developing parallelized applications with C#, and I did my best to include explanations for the most common scenarios in this book. Visual Studio 2010 provides an IDE prepared for a parallel developer, and C# is an excellent fi t for the new task-based programming model. amazon Link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0470495995/buythisbooks-20
2023-12-25 08:36:27 32.74MB .net pdf Wrox parallel