Operations management is important. It is concerned with creating the services and products upon which we all depend. And all organizations produce some mixture of services and products, whether that organization is large or small, manufacturing or service, for profit or not for profit, public or private. Thankfully, most com- panies have now come to understand the importance of operations. This is because they have realized that effective operations management gives the potential to improve both efficiency and customer service simulta- neously. But more than this, operations management is everywhere, it is not confined to the operations function. All managers, whether they are called Operations or Marketing or Human Resources or Finance, or what- ever, manage processes and serve customers (internal or external). This makes, at least part of their activities ‘operations’.
2022-09-16 14:20:42 22.75MB Operations
程序功能要求:(以下程序功能的操作界面都以菜单引导方式完成) 用界面操作录入,删除,修改两文件中的信息,当info_1中的信息发生变化时,info_2中的关联信息发生同步变化(比如info_1中删除某房信息,info_2中的对应信息也应删除) 按info_1中房屋编号查询info_2中的对应纪录 查询显示各年度交费总额最高,最低的:房屋编号,业主名称,交费总额 按欠费总额排序,显示欠费的业主名称,房屋编号,欠费总额 统计显示每种费用的年度交纳总数,交纳比率(实交数/应缴数) 查询统计每一业主的每一种费用的年度欠费数,并将结果存入文件info_3
2022-09-14 22:01:29 3KB physical
2022-09-12 15:56:53 6.54MB 航空公司 延误管理 航班恢复算法
2022-09-04 09:00:43 140KB rpm
Ansible for DevOps Server and configuration management for humans Jeff Geerling This book is for sale at http://leanpub.com/ansible-for-devops This version was published on 2020-02-26 ISBN 978-0-9863934-0-2
2022-09-01 19:04:30 9.12MB
A Hierarchical Buffer Management Approach to Rate Adaptation for 360-Degree Video Streaming& Fixation Prediction for 360° Video Streaming in Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
2022-09-01 18:05:39 1.44MB
SQL Server Management Studio 是一个集成环境,用于访问、配置、管理和开发 SQL Server 的所有组件。SQL Server Management Studio 组合了大量图形工具和丰富的脚本编辑器,使各种技术水平的开发人员和管理员都能访问 SQL Server。
2022-08-26 18:00:57 693.62MB SQLServer
Intelligent Chassis Management Bus Bridge Specification v1.0 Document Revision 1.3 April 2, 2003
2022-08-26 16:01:08 511KB ICMB
DRL用于微电网能源管理 我们针对微电网的能源管理系统问题研究了各种深度强化学习算法的性能。 我们提出了一种新颖的微电网模型,该模型由风力涡轮发电机,储能系统,恒温控制负载,价格响应负载以及与主电网的连接组成。 拟议的能源管理系统旨在通过定义优先级资源,直接需求控制信号和电价来在不同的灵活性来源之间进行协调。 本文实现了七种深度强化学习算法,并进行了实证比较。 数值结果表明,不同的深度强化学习算法在收敛到最优策略的能力上存在显着差异。 通过将经验重播和第二个半确定性训练阶段添加到众所周知的“异步优势演员评论家”算法中,我们获得了更好的性能,并且在能效和经济价值方面收敛于高级策略。 有关此项目的更多信息,访问: :
2022-08-25 22:54:53 22.94MB HTML