Data processing, implementing related algorithms, tuning, scaling up and finally deploying are some crucial steps in the process of optimising any application. Spark is capable of handling large-scale batch and streaming data to figure out when to cache data in memory and processing them up to 100 times faster than Hadoop-based MapReduce.This means predictive analytics can be applied to streaming and batch to develop complete machine learning (ML) applications a lot quicker, making Spark an ideal candidate for large data-intensive applications. This book focuses on design engineering and scalable solutions using ML with Spark. First, you will learn how to install Spark with all new features from the latest Spark 2.0 release. Moving on, you’ll explore important concepts such as advanced feature engineering with RDD and Datasets. After studying developing and deploying applications, you will see how to use external libraries with Spark.
2021-08-27 14:51:14 11.47MB Spark Machine Learning
Haskell in the Large.pdf
2021-08-21 13:01:56 590KB haskell
bert-large-uncased-pytorch_model.bin 这是1024位的,资源过大,超过一个g,我放百度云上了 768位的看我的博客免费获取
2021-08-21 09:44:36 121B bert pytorch
提出了基于”迁移学习+少数磁盘故障预测”的TLDFP模型。 主要采用了TrAdaBoost(权重调整的迁移学习方法)的思想。 作者 张霁 华中科技大学博士 可免费下载。
2021-08-18 22:21:30 2.43MB 迁移学习 TLDFP TrAdaBoost 异常检测
基于的描述,此程序包提供了自适应大邻域搜索(ALNS)元启发式方法的一般,经过充分记录和测试的实现。 它可以按以下常规方式安装: pip install alns 如何使用 alns包提供了两个类,即ALNS和State 。 第一个可以用来运行ALNS算法,第二个可以被子类化以存储解决方案状态-它所需要的只是定义一个objective成员函数,并返回一个目标值。 必须为ALNS算法提供接受标准,以便在每次迭代时确定是否接受新的解决方案状态。 给出了通用验收标准的概述 。 在alns.criteria ,已经为您实现了几个 HillClimbing 。 最简单的接受标准是爬山,仅接受提高目标值的解决方案。 RecordToRecordTravel 。 仅当改进满足某些更新阈值时,此准则才接受解决方案。 SimulatedAnnealing 。 当标度概率大于某个随机数时,使用更新温
Large-Scale C++ Software Design Large-Scale C++ Software Design
2021-08-14 11:45:21 16.63MB Large-Scale C++ Software Design
Large-scale decentralized unit commitment_check integer ADMM
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2021-07-13 17:13:56 690.99MB ScaledYoloV4
2021-07-11 17:02:02 38.78MB 比特币
HMDB is provided by Brown University.本数据集由布朗大学提供。 hmdb_threesplits_datasets.txt hmdb_videodatabase_datasets.txt
2021-07-08 10:41:18 797B 数据集