Fundamentals of Computer Graphics[高清电子版]
2021-07-20 17:12:27 22.59MB Computer Graphics
补丁匹配 适用于python的PatchMatch算法。 目前支持CPU和GPU(使用pycuda)。 参见Scratch.ipynb的演示和用法
pytorch-CycleGAN 一个清晰易读的CycleGAN的Pytorch实现( ) 先决条件 该代码旨在与Python 3.6.x ,尚未在以前的版本中进行过测试 按照的说明进行当前设置 在漂亮的Web浏览器视图中绘制损耗图并绘制图像 pip3 install visdom 训练 1.设置数据集 首先,您需要下载并设置数据集。 最简单的方法是使用UC Berkeley信息库中已经存在的数据集之一: ./download_dataset 有效的<数据集名称>是:apple2orange,summer2winter_yosemite,horse2zebr
2021-06-20 13:09:41 913KB 四元数 quaternion
Course - Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics Third Edition.2012.pdf
2021-05-23 13:31:32 8.39MB Mathematics 3D Game Programming
Quaternions for Computer Graphics by John Vince.pdf 对于刚入门四元数的人来说是一本不错的参考书
2021-05-22 14:00:23 1.07MB 四元数 Quaternion
计算机图形学的入门级书籍,几乎是必须接触的。下面是摘录: This edition of Fundamentals of Computer Graphics includes substantial rewrites of the chapters on textures and graphics hardware, as well as many corrections throughout. The figures are now in color throughout the book. The organization of the book remains substantially similar to the third edition. In our thinking, Chapters 2 through 8 constitute the “core core,” taking the straight and narrow path through what is absolutely required for understanding how images get onto the screen using the complementary approaches of ray tracing and rasterization. Ray tracing is covered first, since it is the simplest way to generate images of 3D scenes, followed by the mathematical machinery required for the graphics pipeline, then the pipeline itself. After that, the “outer core” covers other topics that would commonly be included in an introductory class, such as sampling theory, texture mapping, spatial data structures, and splines. Starting with Chapter 15 is a number of contributed chapters, authored by contributors we have chosen both for their expertise and for their clear way of expressing ideas. As we have revised this book over the years, we have endeavored to retain the informal, intuitive style of presentation that characterizes the earlier editions, while at the same time improving consistency, precision, and completeness. We hope the reader will find the result is an appealing platform for a variety of courses in computer graphics.
2021-05-21 11:38:49 80.73MB 计算机图形学 CG 3D Math
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 4th Edition
2021-05-16 12:07:49 117.36MB 计算机图形学
Drawing on an impressive roster of experts in the field, Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition offers an ideal resource for computer course curricula as well as a user-friendly personal or professional reference.Focusing on geometric intuition, the gives the necessary information for understanding how images get onto the screen by using the complementary approaches of ray tracing and rasterization. It covers topics common to an introductory course, such as sampling theory, texture mapping, spatial data structure, and splines. It also includes a number of contributed chapters from authors known for their expertise and clear way of explaining concepts.Highlights of the Fourth Edition Include:,解压密码
2021-05-10 18:09:24 57.22MB 英文