这个就是传说中的cleanmymeic, 人品担保,直接下载打开即可用,为了赚取积分!我太难了
2021-08-16 14:00:14 55.41MB clean cleanmymac 系统清理工具 你懂的
The USB Billboard Device Class definition describes the methods used to communicate the AUM supported by a Device Container to a host system. This includes string descriptors that can be used to provide support details in a human-readable format. This specification does not describe the functionality/methodology by which the Device Container shall switch to an AUM. An example of a Device Container that shall support this class is one that supports PCIe over the USB Type-C connector.
2021-08-15 01:52:50 433KB usb 资源达人分享计划
思科模拟软件GNS3的Quem host需要的镜像文件最新版本linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img; gns3 v0.8.3以上版本,支持Quem host调用linux-microcore-4.0.2-clean.img; 配置好GNS3的quem host后,能用secure CRT进行telnet登录配置,而且只有linux-microcore-3.8.2.img以上版本才支持telnet。
2021-08-14 15:08:12 25.19MB gns3 Quem hos linux
The tests defined in this test specification verify that a Router is compliant with Chapter 9 of the USB4 Specification.
2021-08-10 09:07:40 792KB usb 资源达人分享计划
The tests in this test specification verify that the Router in a USB4 Host, Hub, or Peripheral Device is compliant with Chapter 11 of the USB4 Specification.
2021-08-08 19:06:03 501KB usb 资源达人分享计划
These tests check that the Transport Layer, Control Layer and Configuration Spaces in a Router are compliant to the USB4 specification. The tests in this document are required for all USB4 host, hub, and device Silicon. They are not required for USB4 End Products.
2021-08-08 19:06:03 1.68MB usb 资源达人分享计划
The following tests check that a Router is compliant with Chapter 7 of the USB4 Base Specification.
2021-08-08 19:06:02 1.31MB usb 资源达人分享计划
2021-08-08 12:00:31 2KB LINUX系统操作
The tests defined in this test specification verify that a Host Router is compliant with Chapter 12 of the USB4 Specification.
2021-08-07 18:09:06 589KB usb 资源达人分享计划
The tests in this specification verify that the Logical Layer of Router in a Router Assembly is compliant with the USB Specification. If the Router Assembly contains one or more On-Board Re-timers, additional tests verify that the Logical Layer of the Re-timer(s) in the Router Assembly are compliant the USB4 Re-timer Specification.
2021-08-07 18:09:06 1.95MB usb 资源达人分享计划