rocket-chip RTL,带有以下功能: 2) 支持4KB-ICache和4KB-DCache。 3) 硬件断点数量为2。 4) PMP区域为8个。 5) 硬件性能计数器为2个。 6) 带有DCache flush功能。 7) 带有clock gtae功能。 8) 乘法器为pipeline形式。 9) local interrupt为16个。 10) PLIC入口2个。 11) 带有CLINT中断。 12) 带有JTAG DEBUG接口。 13) 带有frontend接口(AXI4/AHB)。 14) 带有memory接口(AXI4/AHB)。 15) 带有mmio接口(AXI4/AHB)。 16) 带有rom。 17) 带有ROCC接口。
2021-03-16 15:47:42 1.03MB riscv32 riscv rocket-chip verilog
1.1 Processor architecture and organization 2 1.2 Abstraction in hardware design 3 1.3 MU0 - a simple processor 7 1.4 Instruction set design 14 1.5 Processor design trade-offs 19 1.6 The Reduced Instruction Set Computer 24 1.7 Design for low power consumption 28 1.8 Examples and exercises 32…… 2.1 The Acorn RISC Machine 36 2.2 Architectural inheritance 37 2.3 The ARM programmer's model 39 2.4 ARM development tools 43 2.5 Example and exercises 47…… 3.1 Data processing instructions 50 3.2 Data transfer instructions 55 3.3 Control flow instructions 63 3.4 Writing simple assembly language programs 69 3.5 Examples and exercises 72…… 4.1 3-stage pipeline ARM organization 75 4.2 5-stage pipeline ARM organization 78 4.3 ARM instruction execution 82 4.4 ARM implementation 86 4.5 The ARM coprocessor interface 101 4.6 Examples and exercises 103…… 5.1 Introduction 106 5.2 Exceptions 108 5.3 Conditional execution 111 5.4 Branch and Branch with Link (B, BL) 113 5.5 Branch, Branch with Link and eXchange (BX, BLX) 115 5.6 Software Interrupt (SWI) 117 5.7 Data processing instructions 119 5.8 Multiply instructions 122 5.9 Count leading zeros (CLZ - architecture v5T only) 124 5.10 Single word and unsigned byte data transfer instructions 125 5.11 Half-word and signed byte data transfer instructions 128 5.12 Multiple register transfer instructions 130 5.13 Swap memory and register instructions (SWP) 132 5.14 Status register to general register transfer instructions 133 5.15 General register to status register transfer instructions 134 5.16 Coprocessor instructions 136 5.17 Coprocessor data operations 137 5.18 Coprocessor data transfers 138 5.19 Coprocessor register transfers 139 5.20 Breakpoint instruction (BRK - architecture v5T only) 141 5.21 Unused instruction space 142 5.22 Memory faults 143 5.23 ARM architecture variants 147 5.24 Example and exercises 149…… 6.1 Abstraction in software design 152 6.2 Data types 153 6.3 Floating-point data types 158 6.4 The ARM floating-point archite
2021-03-10 19:36:30 17.5MB ARM
ISSCC2021_Session_02V_Highlighted Chip Releases 5G and Radar Systems.pdf
2021-02-27 15:07:10 13.04MB isscc
2021-02-22 17:05:32 567KB MODELING
Resource scheduling is one of the most important issues in mobile cloud computing due to the constraints in memory, CPU, and bandwidth. High energy consumption and low performance of memory accesses have become overwhelming obstacles for chip multiprocessor (CMP) systems used in cloud system
2021-02-09 09:07:05 1.23MB Chip multiprocessor (CMP); data
CHIP-8仿真器 这是用JavaScript编写的模拟器。 在这里尝试: : 产品特点 该仿真器对所有35个CHIP-8操作码都有不错的实现,所有这些都经过充分测试。 还实现了两个已知的“怪癖”(请参阅​​: ): 加载/存储怪癖-指令LD [I], Vx和LD Vx, [I]递增I寄存器的值,但某些CHIP-8程序假定它们没有。 移位怪癖-移位指令最初将寄存器VY移位并将结果存储在寄存器VX中。 一些CHIP-8程序错误地假定该指令将VX寄存器移位,并且VY保持不变。 项目存储库包含90个CHIP-8 ROM及其说明,可在 (CHIP-8程序包)中找到它们。 所有这些都已检查
2021-02-05 09:10:58 636KB emulator chip8 chip8-emulator EmulatorJavaScript
材料UI芯片输入 该项目为提供了一个。 它受到启发。 如果您想亲自尝试该组件而不是观看gif,请转到进行实时演示! 安装 npm i --save material-ui-chip-input@next 注意:这是Material-UI 1.0.0或更高版本的版本。 如果您仍在使用Material-UI 0.x,则可以使用我们的。 用法 该组件支持受控或不受控制的输入模式。 如果使用受控模式(通过设置value属性),则不会调用onChange回调。 import ChipInput from ' material-ui-chip-input ' // uncontrolled input handleChange ( chips ) } /> // controlled input handle
2021-02-03 09:38:36 474KB react material-design input material-ui
ArduinoUniqueID:Arduino库从Atmel AVR,SAM,SAMD,STM32和ESP微控制器获取制造序列号
2021-02-02 12:07:54 9KB arduino id chip uid