Lean Startup helps you structure your progress and identify the riskiest parts of your business, then learn about them quickly so you can adapt. Lean Analytics is used to measure that progress, helping you to ask the most important questions and get clear answers quickly
2019-12-21 21:03:22 11.63MB Lean Analytics
自己整理的,Better Explained Math,更好的解释(数学篇),中文全彩pdf带索引,135页
2019-12-21 20:00:12 3.36MB Better Explai Math 更好的解释
javascript ,jQuery , Bootstrap 等js库的自动补全。该插件的特点就是可以自定义配置需要自动补全的库。 安装完以后它的配置文件可以配置自己需要补全的库
2019-12-21 18:50:15 1.31MB Completion Sublime 插件