An introduction to probability theory and its applications 很重要的书籍,不用花那么多分儿
2022-09-15 11:07:58 41.37MB probability theory
Linear algebra is relatively easy for students during the early stages of the course, when the material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting. But when abstract concepts are introduced, students often hit a brick wall. Instructors seem to agree that certain concepts (such as linear independence, spanning, subspace, vector space, and linear transformations), are not easily understood, and require time to assimilate. Since they are fundamental to the study of linear algebra, students' understanding of these concepts is vital to their mastery of the subject. David Lay introduces these concepts early in a familiar, concrete R n setting, develops them gradually, and returns to them again and again throughout the text so that when discussed in the abstract, these concepts are more accessible.
2022-09-13 15:48:16 21.83MB 线性代数
Bootstrap Methods and their Applications - Davison, Hinkley
2022-09-01 14:44:40 12.72MB bootstrap statistics
Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications in Communications, Computing,and Sensing 2019 Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part1.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 115 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part2.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 130 ) 2019-7-23 08:45 上传 点击文件名下载附件 下载积分: 资产 -6 信元, 下载支出 6 信元 Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part3.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 126 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part4.rar (16.1 MB, 下载次数: 122 ) Low Power Semiconductor Devices and Processes for Emerging Applications 2018.part5.rar (298.5 KB, 下载次数: 64 ) Making processing information more energy-effcient would save money, reduce energy use and permit batteries that provide power to mobile devices to run longer or be smaller in size. New approaches to the lower energy requirement in computing, communication and sensing need to be investigated. This book addresses this need in multiple application areas and will serve as a guide in emerging circuit technologies. Revolutionary device concepts, sensors and associated circuits and architectures that will greatly extend the practical engineering limits of energy-effcient computation are being investigated. Disruptive new device architectures, semiconductor processes and emerging new materials aimed at achieving the highest level of computational energy effciency for general purpose computing systems need to be developed. This book will provide chapters dedicated to such efforts from process to device.
2022-09-01 08:49:03 55.09MB Low Power Semiconductor  Devices
1、适合软件开发人员使用 2、硬件开发人员亦可参考 IMX6DQRM datasheet IMX6DQRM_寄存器手册 IMX6DQRM_寄存器手册(数据手册),共71章,适用于初学者进行学习,有关于使用的问题欢迎留言探讨
2022-08-30 16:00:51 26.59MB I.MX6
英文原版MIT线性代数大神 吉尔·伯特 先生所著的有关线性代数的书,这可写的比国内的教材好太多了~
2022-08-28 01:41:46 2.61MB 线性代数 Linear Algebra Gilbert
第二版介绍了各种各样的机器学习和深度学习算法和技术,通过现实应用加强。这本书通俗易懂,不证明定理,也不详述数学理论。我们的目标是在直观的层次上呈现主题,并有足够的细节来阐明底层的概念。这本书深入地涵盖了核心的经典机器学习主题,包括隐藏马尔可夫模型(HMM),支持向量机(SVM)和聚类。其他机器学习主题包括k-最近邻(k-NN)、boosting、随机森林和线性判别分析(LDA)。基本的深度学习主题的反向传播,卷积神经网络(CNN),多层感知器(MLP),和循环神经网络(RNN)的深度覆盖。此外,还提出了一系列先进的深度学习架构,包括长短期记忆(LSTM)、生成对抗网络(GAN)、极限学习机(ELM)、残差网络(ResNet)、深度信任网络(DBN)、变形Transformers 双向编码器表示(BERT)和Word2Vec。最后,讨论了一些前沿的深度学习主题,包括退出正则化、注意力、可解释性和对抗性攻击。书中的大多数例子都来自信息安全领域,其中很多机器学习和深度学习应用都集中在恶意软件上。本文提供的应用程序通过说明在简单的场景中使用各种学习技术来揭开主题的神秘面纱。本书中的一些练习需要
2022-08-27 21:05:49 300.32MB
Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C.Lay
2022-08-23 09:32:18 8.55MB Linear Algebra Applications David
国外的教材,关于 TMS320C6713 的应用,比较经典。
2022-08-21 12:50:22 12.39MB TMS320C6713
《Building Web and Mobile ArcGIS Server Applications with JavaScript》(《JavaScript构建Web和ArcGIS Server应用实战》张大伟 译)PACKT官网示例代码。
2022-08-20 15:34:12 140KB 图书代码