Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++(英文版) 3ed
2023-04-22 21:14:06 4.85MB algorithm analysis
In this text, readers are able to look at specific problems and see how careful implementations can reduce the time constraint for large amounts of data from several years to less than a second. Class templates are used to describe generic data structures and first-class versions of vector and string classes are used. Included is an appendix on a Standard Template Library (STL). This text is for readers who want to learn good programming and algorithm analysis skills simultaneously so that they can develop such programs with the maximum amount of efficiency. Readers should have some knowledge of intermediate programming, including topics as object-based programming and recursion, and some background in discrete math
2023-04-22 21:10:16 3.46MB data structures algorithms c++
数据结构课本 英文版 非扫描版 目录全! 希望能帮到大家
2023-04-22 21:06:00 4.86MB 算法
使用C来讲述数据结构和算法,由Mark Allen Weiss编写的,内容丰富,解释清晰,是一本在美国广为使用的教材。
2023-04-22 20:09:19 4.85MB Data Structure Algorithm C
2023-04-22 19:54:36 4.85MB Data Structures
数据结构与算法分析_C语言描述// 英文版 //PDF格式 // 带书签
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C
2023-04-22 19:31:20 3.56MB Data Structure Algorithm
BABOK,CBAP,商业分析知识体系指南 v3[A_Guide_to_the_Business_Analysis_Body_of_Knowledge v3]
2023-04-22 02:25:16 2.13MB 商业分析 BABOK CBAP
多任务学习的多模式情感分析 使用CMU-MOSI数据库进行情感分析的单峰和多峰单任务,双任务和三任务学习模型。 在单任务模型中,我们执行回归实验以预测情绪得分。 在双任务模型中,我们执行多任务学习实验,这些实验以情感分数回归为主要任务,而强度或极性分类为辅助任务。 在三任务模型中,我们执行多任务学习实验,以情感得分回归为主要任务,强度和极性分类为辅助任务。 在多模式模型中,我们比较了早期融合,晚期融合,分层融合和张量融合网络。 这些代码适用于我们的ACL2018人类多峰语言计算建模研讨会论文: @inproceedings{tian2018polarity, title={Polarity and Intensity: the Two Aspects of Sentiment Analysis}, author={Tian, Leimin and Lai, Cather
2023-04-18 20:15:03 122KB sentiment-analysis multimodality acl2018 Python
推特情绪分析器 在推文上执行情感分析后,搜索推文并提供详细报告的Web应用程序。 应用程序位于