Linear Algebra with Applications by Leon Steven
2022-04-13 20:17:42 3.1MB 线性代数
中文翻译Introduction to Linear Algebra, 5th Edition 6.5节 仅用于交流学习!
2022-04-13 17:06:18 255KB 线性代数 数学 机器学习
Elementary Linear Algebra With Applications, 9Th Edition -
2022-04-13 17:06:03 19.7MB Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra, 8th Edition by Ron Larson | 467 pages Table of Contents 1. SYSTEMS OF LINEAR EQUATIONS. Introduction to Systems of Equations. Gaussian Elimination and Gauss-Jordan Elimination. Applications of Systems of Linear Equations. 2. MATRICES. Operations with Matrices. Properties of Matrix Operations. The Inverse of a Matrix. Elementary Matrices. Markov Chains. Applications of Matrix Operations. 3. DETERMINANTS. The Determinant of a Matrix. Evaluation of a Determinant Using Elementary Operations. Properties of Determinants. Applications of Determinants. 4. VECTOR SPACES. Vectors in Rn. Vector Spaces. Subspaces of Vector Spaces. Spanning Sets and Linear Independence. Basis and Dimension. Rank of a Matrix and Systems of Linear Equations. Coordinates and Change of Basis. Applications of Vector Spaces. 5. INNER PRODUCT SPACES. Length and Dot Product in Rn. Inner Product Spaces. Orthogonal Bases: Gram-Schmidt Process. Mathematical Models and Least Squares Analysis. Applications of Inner Product Spaces. 6. LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS. Introduction to Linear Transformations. The Kernel and Range of a Linear Transformation. Matrices for Linear Transformations. Transition Matrices and Similarity. Applications of Linear Transformations. 7. EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Diagonalization. Symmetric Matrices and Orthogonal Diagonalization. Applications of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. 8. COMPLEX VECTOR SPACES (online). Complex Numbers. Conjugates and Division of Complex Numbers. Polar Form and Demoivre’s Theorem. Complex Vector Spaces and Inner Products. Unitary and Hermitian Spaces. 9. LINEAR PROGRAMMING (online). Systems of Linear Inequalities. Linear Programming Involving Two Variables. The Simplex Method: Maximization. The Simplex Method: Minimization. The Simplex Method: Mixed Constraints. 10. NUMERICAL METHODS (online). Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting. Iterative Methods for Solving Linear Systems. Power Method for Approximating Eigenvalues. Applications of Numerical Methods.
2022-04-13 17:05:47 9.14MB 线性代数
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英文版 A First Course In Abstract Algebra 3ed John B. Fraleigh(前六章+答案)
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a classic text book for algebra
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当代抽象代数英文原版——原书第八版---JOSEPH A.GALLIAN
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