modtran 5.1 大气衰减计算软件的使用手册 MODO Version 5 for MODTRAN(R)5 ------------------------------ July 2014 - changes to evaluation mode - allowed more than 32 levels in user defined profile April 2014 - minor bug fixes October 2013 - Version 5.1 finally released - fixed demo_data tape5s - fixed plotting problems for transmittance mode - updated manual August 2013 - bug fixes for at sensor signal - updated radiosonde profile editor - fixed problem with linux licensing June 2013 - updated to support Modtran 5.3 Version 5.0.2 Brought to you by ReSe Applications Schlaepfer, Switzerland Release notes: Feb 2013: - switched to IDL8.0 Nov 2012: - fixed problem with default sensor simulation band models July 2012: - made compatible to idl 8.2 May 2012: - updates to installer - added self update feature - Updated to Modtran 5.2.1 March 2012: - improved updates of plots for tape7 and flux - added some filter defaults - fixed problems with flux plotting January 2012: - fixed installation in Demo MOde - allowed installation with small screen resolution November 2011: - allowed installation of 32bit modtran - fixed problem with 2009c September 2011: - added upper limit for spectral library import - fixed a problem on linux 64bit data with p1 solar reference functions - fixed a spec_alb issue for linux July 2011: - fixed some startup problems on Windows (had to disallow the use of the mklink command as it is not stable) April 2011: - fixed default visibility switch - added generic response functions 1/5/10nm - minor bug fixes February 2011: - added ENVI file display - updated manual with Help menu - added window manager menu January 2011: - Fixed problems when plotting thermal radiance - fixed potential fail after error November 2010: - introduced linking of files before execution in Linux systems - reformatted help files October 2010: - improved site licensing for unix - added support for Modtran5 Beta Version August 2010: - improved checks during installation process - first official release - updated license conditions June 2010: - added new help files - allowed linux installation - fixed problem with sensor simulation May 2010: - Initial Alpha release - Updated Installer for MODO 5 - added new Manual - made new web installer
2023-01-10 11:31:11 2.54MB modtran 5.1
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