2021-06-06 17:40:55 234KB snort snortrule rules 规则
2021-06-03 18:00:13 329KB SNORT
This book explains why AI is unique, what legal and ethical problems it could cause, and how we can address them. It argues that AI is unlike is any other previous technology, owing to its ability to take decisions independently and unpredictably. This gives rise to three issues: responsibility―who is liable if AI causes harm; rights―the disputed moral and pragmatic grounds for granting AI legal personality; and the ethics surrounding the decision-making of AI. The book suggests that in order to address these questions we need to develop new institutions and regulations on a cross-industry and international level. Incorporating clear explanations of complex topics, Robot Rules will appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience, from those with an interest in law, politics and philosophy, to computer programming, engineering and neuroscience.
2021-05-31 18:07:29 3.69MB Artificial  Intelligence Robot  Rules
全局-gitignore 扩展 ,支持根据 gitignore 规则过滤文件,并基于公开可选的 Promise API。 此模块旨在解决性能问题,请参阅 。 安装 $ npm i glob-gitignore --save 用法 import { glob , sync , hasMagic } from 'glob-gitignore' // The usage of glob-gitignore is much the same as `node-glob`, // and it supports an array of patterns to be matched glob ( [ '**' ] , { cwd : '/path/to' , // Except that options.ignore accepts an array of gitignore
2021-05-29 12:02:37 13KB nodejs promise glob gitignore-rules
2021-05-26 20:02:23 747.36MB sonar-java
美国电子烟(新型烟草)PMTA操作规则, 包含三个规则: 1, Refuse To Accept Procedures for Premarket Tobacco Product Submissions (拒绝接受上市前烟草产品报批的程序) 2,Proposed rule for premarket tobacco product applications (烟草产品上市前申请的建议规则) 3,Nicotine Exposure Warnings and Child-Resistant Packaging for Liquid Nicotine, Nicotine-Containing E-Liquid(s), and Other Tobacco Products (液态尼古丁、含尼古丁的电子液体和其他烟草产品的尼古丁暴露警告和儿童防伪包装。)
2021-03-27 20:08:39 1.04MB PMTA rule 规则 电子烟
2021-03-18 15:19:01 9.77MB fortify规则 代码审计 静态分析
1. fortify 2020 检测规则 2. 放入\Fortify_SCA_and_Apps_\Core\config\rules下面就可以使用
2021-03-18 12:22:19 9.66MB fortify_rules fortify 规则库 安全扫描
1 qt框架写的
2021-02-22 09:07:01 13KB qt c++