2022-05-08 09:09:58 3.55MB 人工智能 机器学习 文档资料
2022-05-03 19:06:33 14.63MB 音视频 文档资料
2022-05-03 19:06:10 2.1MB 文档资料 音视频
asp.net大型多门店连锁汽车4S店维修保养管理系统源码 带数据库说明文档 开发环境: VS2012 SQL2008 采用SQL-Server大型数据库,系统数据绝对稳定安全,并实现了海量模糊查询,局域网即时通讯、条码识别等大量的高新科技 一、源码介绍 采用SQL-Server大型数据库,系统数据绝对稳定安全,并实现了海量模糊查询,局域网即时通讯、条码识别等大量的高新科技,并集成了短信群发等许多先进实用的新功能,并继承了完美软件操作方便、功能强大等的传统风格,凝聚了数万用户的智慧结晶。接车、派工、领料、结算流程清晰,用户操作起来得心应手,省时省心。报表中心提供了维修、工时费、材料费、员工提成、车次排行、车型排行、进货、库存、帐务等一系列报表,统计方法科学,数据准确。
2022-04-30 14:05:33 59.92MB asp.net 源码软件 汽车 后端
Complex Networks Toolbox for MatLab is designed to analyze large-scale graphs, model them, explore with simulations of dynamic processes and generate appealing and insightful layouts. example: function [BetweenneessCentrality, varargout]= GraphBetweennessCentrality(Graph,SourceNodes) % Computes betweenneess centrality of each node. % % Receives: % Graph - Graph Struct - the graph loaded with GraphLoad % SourceNodes - array of double - (optional) nodes, from which passes start. Default: [] (all nodes). % % Returns: % BetweenneessCentrality - array of double - Betweenneess Centrality for each node. % Nodes - array of double - (optional)List of all nodes for which betweennessn centrality is computed % % Algorithm: % http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/betweenness_centrality.html % % See Also: % mexGraphAllNodeShortestPasses % warning('Use the more optimized mexGraphBetweennessCentrality.dll'); error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)); error(nargoutchk(0,2,nargout)); if ~exist('SourceNodes') | isempty(SourceNodes) SourceNodes = unique(Graph.Data(:,1)); end Nodes = unique(Graph.Data(:,1:2)); %TotalPasses = zeros(GraphCountNumberOfNodes(Graph),GraphCountNumberOfNodes(Graph)); Betweenness = zeros(GraphCountNumberOfNodes(Graph),1); for Node = Nodes(:).' [ShortesPasses PassesHistogram]= mexGraphAllNodeShortestPasses(Graph,Node); %TotalPasses = TotalPasses + sum(PassesHistogram(2:end)); tic for i = 1 : numel(ShortesPasses) %T = ShortesPasses(i).Passes(end); %TotalPasses(Node,ShortesPasses(i).Passes(end)) = size(ShortesPasses(i).Passes,2); % compute total number of shortes passes from Node to some other node. Passes = ShortesPasses(i).Passes(2:end-1,:); NodesOnTheWay = unique(Passes); if numel(NodesOnTheWay)==1 Count = 1; % hist behaves differently in this case. else Count = hist(Passes(:),NodesOnTheWay);
2022-04-26 20:46:45 24.47MB 复杂网络 连锁故障
2022-04-23 16:03:48 5.08MB 公开转让说明书
2022-04-18 14:04:48 14.67MB PB源码
2022-04-18 14:04:34 57.92MB PB源码