2021-07-15 16:37:11 8.27MB 计算机视觉- 计算理论 算法基础
形式语言与自动机 计算理论引导答案 是不是自动机不会画?是不是不会证明了啊?然后拼命找答案啊 >_<作业自己写啊!
2021-06-29 18:53:39 26.36MB 形式语言
2021-06-29 18:47:01 1.35MB 计算理论导引
目录: 01. A first Course in Logic An Introduction To Model Theory Proof Theory Computability And Complexity - Shawn Hedman(djvu) 02. Advanced Complexity Theory Lctn - Madhu Sudan(pdf) 03. Algorithm and Complexity Lctn - Herbert S. Wilf(pdf) 04. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook - Mikhail J. Atallah(djvu) 05. An Introduction to Formal Language Theory that Integrates Experimentation and Proof - Allen Stoughton(pdf) 06. An Introduction To Recursive Function Theory -Nigel Cutland(pdf) 07. An Introduction to the Theory of Computation - Eitan Gurari(pdf) 08. CLASSICAL RECURSION THEORY The Theory of Functions and Sets of Natural Numbers - Piergiorgio Odifreddi(djvu) 09. Complexity of Algorithms Lctn - Peter Gacs(pdf) 10. Computation Complexity Lctn - Laszlo Lovasz(pdf) 11. Computational Complexity - Christos Papadimitriou(djvu) 12. Computational Complexity A Conceptual Perspective - Oded Goldreich(pdf) 13. Computational Complexity A Modern Approach - Sanjeev Arora(pdf) 14. Computers And Intractability A Guide To The Theory Of Np-Completeness - Michael Garey(djvu) 15. Elementary Recursion Theory and its Applications to Formal Systems - Saul Kripke(pdf) 16. Elemnts Of The Theory Of Computation 2d ed - Harry Lewis(djvu) 17. Essentials of Theoretical Computer Science - F. D. Lewis(pdf) 18. Goldreich O. Introduction to Complexity Theory (lectures, 1999)(T)(375s)(djvu) 19. Goldreich O. Introduction to complexity theory, lecture notes (1999)(375s)(pdf) 20. Introduction To Automata Theory Languages , and Computation - John Hopcroft(djvu) 21. Introduction to Complexity Theory Lecture Notes - Oded Goldreich(pdf) 22. Introduction To The Theory Of Computation - Michael Sipser(djvu) 23. Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity - Osamu Watanabe(djvu) 24. Lecture Notes for Introduction to Theory of Computation - Robert Daley(pdf) 25. Lecture Notes On Algorithm Analysis And Computation Complexity 4th ed - Ian Parberry(pdf) 26. Lewis H.R., Pa
2021-06-26 10:50:49 134.29MB 计算理论
2021-06-24 21:03:22 11.53MB 计算机理论基础第二版答案
2021-06-21 19:15:20 16.11MB 计算理论
Introduction to the theory of computation 是由MIT教授MICHAEL SIPSER 写的经典教材,通俗易懂。
2021-06-14 20:31:26 6.57MB 计算理论 SIPSER
2021-06-10 19:46:34 2.09MB 计算理论课后题答案
本书由计算理论领域的知名权威Michael Sipser所撰写。他以独特的视角,系统地介绍了计算理论的三个主要内容:自动机与语言、可计算性理论和计算复杂性理论。绝大部分内容是基本的,同时对可计算性和计算复杂性理论中的某些高级内容进行了重点介绍。作者以清新的笔触、生动的语言给出了宽泛的数学原理,而没有拘泥于某些低层次的细节。在证明之前,均有“证明思路”,帮助读者理解数学形式下蕴涵的概念。同样,对子算法描述,均以直观的文字而非伪代码给出,从而将注意力集中子算法本身,而不是某些模型。新版根据多年来使用本书的教师和学生的建议进行了改进,并对课堂测试题进行了全面的......
2021-06-09 16:03:55 2.09MB 答案 计算理论导引