2020-01-04 03:04:38 6.75MB 游戏编程精粹 代码
[pdf文件] 游戏编程精粹7(中文版).pdf
2020-01-03 11:24:29 51.76MB 游戏编程精粹
CruiseYoung提供的带有详细书签的电子书籍目录 http://blog.csdn.net/fksec/article/details/7888251 该资料是《游戏编程精粹8》一书的随书光盘代码:共两部分,这是第2部分 游戏编程精粹8 基本信息 中文名: 游戏编程精粹8 原名: Game Programming Gems 8 作者: Adam Lake 图书分类: 软件 资源格式: PDF 版本: 插图版 出版社: Course Technology 书号: 1584507020 发行时间: 2010年03月01日 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 内容简介 本书为《Game Programming Gems》系列的第八卷。在这一版当中,我们将广泛地探讨重要的实时图形方面,如Larrabee, PlayStation 3, 以及DirectX 11计算着色器。此外在本书中, 处在第一线的业内顶级开发商如:Blizzard,id, Bizarre Creations, Nexon,以及Intel's Advanced Visual Computing group,还分享了他们如何以最佳的方式利用图形硬件为游戏创建高品 质视觉效果的真知灼见。 目录 Face -15 Contents -12 Preface -6 Contributors -1 Section 1 Graphics 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Fast Font Rendering with Instancing 3 1.2 Principles and Practice of Screen Space Ambient Occlusion 12 1.3 Multi-Resolution Deferred Shading 32 1.4 View Frustum Culling of Catmull-Clark Patches in DirectX 11 39 1.5 Ambient Occlusion Using DirectX Compute Shader 50 1.6 Eye-View Pixel Anti-Aliasing for Irregular Shadow Mapping 74 1.7 Overlapped Execution on Programmable Graphics Hardware 90 1.8 Techniques for Effective Vertex and Fragment Shading on the SPUs 101 Section 2 Physics and Animation 119 Introduction 119 2.1 A Versatile and Interactive Anatomical Human Face Model 121 2.2 Curved Paths for Seamless Character Animation 132 2.3 Non-Iterative, Closed-Form, Inverse Kinematic Chain Solver (NCF IK) 141 2.4 Particle Swarm Optimization for Game Programming 152 2.5 Improved Numerical Integration with Analytical Techniques 168 2.6 What a Drag: Modeling Realistic Three-Dimensional Air and Fluid Resistance 183 2.7 Application of Quasi-Fluid Dynamics for Arbitrary Closed Meshes 194 2.8 Approximate Convex Decomposition for Real-Time Collision Detection 202 Section 3 AI 211 Introduction 211 3.1 AI Level of Detail for Really Large Worlds 213 3.2 A Pattern-Based Approach to Modular AI for Games 232 3.3 Automated Navigation Mesh Generation Using Advanced Growth-Based Techniques 244 3.4 A Practical Spatial Architecture for Animal and
2020-01-03 11:20:25 79.5MB 游戏编程精粹 Game Programming Gems
2019-12-21 21:55:46 71.14MB 游戏编程精粹
GPU Pro(1~7)GPU Gems(1~3)GPU Zen,11个pdf版本。
2019-12-21 21:31:45 64B GPUPro GPUGems GPUZen
游戏编程精粹8英文版 Game Programming Gems 8Welcome to the eighth volume of the must-have reference series for game developers
2019-12-21 21:04:51 9.52MB Game Programming Gems 8
软件日趋复杂,编码错误随之而来。要在测试前发现程序的错误,开发出无错误的程序,关键是弄清楚错误为何产生,又是如何产生。《编程精粹编写高质量C语言代码》给出了多条编程方面的指导,这些指导看似简单,却是作者多年思考及实践的结果,是对其编程经验的总结。书中解决问题的思考过程对于程序开发人员尤显珍贵。 《编程精粹编写高质量C语言代码》适于各层次程序开发人员阅读