PC104总线16bits模式存储时序以及IO时序 ,包含各引脚说明
2022-02-08 17:24:25 39KB PC104 时序图 总线 16bits
本章目标 掌握利用Visio绘制程序时序图基本操作
2022-02-01 12:00:32 640KB linux 运维 服务器
2022-01-24 19:01:00 160KB c语言 开发语言 后端
visio模板,在visio中导入即可。 用途:在visio中画时序图、状态转移图、逻辑连接图。 包括:(1)时序图相关。如上升沿,下降沿,时钟信号等; (2)逻辑连接图相关。如加法器,乘法器,多路复用器,触发器等; (3)状态转移图相关。如状态框,以及状态框之间的连接线。
2022-01-17 20:01:33 122KB FPGA visio 时序图 状态转移图
背景: 用python画AR模型的时序图。 结果: 代码: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt AR(1)的时序图:x[t]=a*x[t-1]+e num = 2000 e = np.random.rand(num) x = np.empty(num) 平稳AR(1) a = -0.5 x[0] = 2 for i in range(1,num): x[i] = a*x[i-1]+e[i] plt.subplot(321,title = AR({0}):x[t]={1}*x[t-1]+e
2022-01-08 15:19:04 96KB ar模型 num plot
西门子plc调试软件,功能强大。具体https://www.mhj-tools.com/winplc-analyzer/ 直接看网页。 先安装软件,然后用文件夹中的破解覆盖。本人亲自破解,只此一家。分数高了点。 With WinPLC-Analyzer you can record signals of a S7-PLC (S7-300, S7-400, S7-1200) or S5-PLC (Simatic S5 series). You can record signals like input, output, flags, data, timer and counter. If you want, you can define a Trigger with S7-STL code. Then you can use this trigger to control the recording or to create a user message. When using S7-300, S7-400 you can also record cyclic exact. This means, that a short program will be transfered into the PLC. This ensures that you see every single edge in the recording. Without modifying the PLC progam you can record "scan exact". That means you can define the sampling rate in ms. With the special recording type "Offline recording", you can record the data within the PLC (without the PC connected). The next day you can transfer the results to your WinPLC-Analyzer project. Additional to the normal trend data, you can define "Snapshots". A "Snapshot" is a range of additional data, that will be stored, if a trigger event is raised. WinPLC-Analyzer also stores the data of the "i-stack" in case of a unexpected "PLC-Stop". Then you can examine the reasons for the PLC-Stop even after days. All software driver are included in the licence of WinPLC-Analyzer. You don't have to pay for every single driver separatly. To access a PLC over TCP/IP you don't need any other software or driver. Only if you want to use a SIEMENS Interface, the driver of it must be installed on the PC.
2022-01-07 16:25:44 23.05MB 西门子 plc 时序图
2022-01-06 20:25:51 794KB 时序图 FPGA开发 嵌入式系统
一般来说,LCD 模块的控制都是通过 MCU 对 LCD 模块的内部寄存器、显存进行操作来最终完成的;在此我们设计了三个基本的时序控制程序,分别是: 写寄存器函数(LCD_RegWrite) 数据写函数(LCD_DataWrite) 数据读函数(LCD_DataRead)
2021-12-18 23:53:38 108KB 内部寄存器 显存 时序
2021-12-17 22:23:37 237KB 时序图
eclipse下生成Java类图和时序图,好多地方的链接和资源都是失效的这个是新的,搭配eclipse 4.4.2版本使用,不同版本直接有差别,不保证别的版本也可以用。
2021-12-17 00:03:21 12.32MB uml类图