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Copyright Reader Acclaim for I. M. Wright's "Hard Code" Column Foreword Introduction Chapter 1. Project Mismanagement June 1, 2001: "Dev schedules, flying pigs, and other fantasies" October 1, 2001: "Pushing the envelopes: Continued contention over dev schedules" May 1, 2002: "Are we having fun yet? The joy of triage." December 1, 2004: "Marching to death" October 1, 2005: "To tell the truth" Chapter 2. Process Improvement, Sans Magic September 2, 2002: "Six Sigma? Oh please!" October 1, 2004: "Lean: More than good pastrami" April 1, 2005: "Customer dissatisfaction" March 1, 2006: "The Agile bullet" Chapter 3. Inefficiency Eradicated July 1, 2001: "Late specs: Fact of life or genetic defect?" June 1, 2002: "Idle hands" June 1, 2004: "The day we met" July 1, 2006: "Stop writing specs, co-located feature crews" February 1, 2007: "Bad specs: Who is to blame?" Chapter 4. Cross Disciplines April 1, 2002: "The modern odd couple? Dev and Test" July 1, 2004: "Feeling testy—The role of testers" May 1, 2005: "Fuzzy logic—The liberal arts" November 1, 2005: "Undisciplined—What's so special about specialization?" Chapter 5. Software Quality—More Than a Dream March 1, 2002: "Are you secure about your security?" November 1, 2002: "Where's the beef? Why we need quality" April 1, 2004: "A software odyssey—From craft to engineering" July 1, 2005: "Review this—Inspections" October 1, 2006: "Bold predictions of quality" Chapter 6. Software Design If We Have Time September 1, 2001: "A tragedy of error handling" February 1, 2002: "Too many cooks spoil the broth—Sole authority" May 1, 2004: "Resolved by design" February 1, 2006: "The other side of quality—Designers and architects" August 1, 2006: "Blessed isolation—Better design" Chapter 7. Adventures in Career Development December 1, 2001: "When the journey is the destination" October 1, 2002: "Life isn't fair—The review curve" November 1, 2006: "Roles on the career stage" May 1, 2007: "Get your
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