这是关于无线通信的一本经典教材,作者Andreas F. Molisch 曾写过第一版,这是第二版。
2022-03-24 17:11:46 12.03MB wireless
2022-03-24 15:47:12 93B 计算机科学
Signals and Systems (信号与系统) Second Edition Oppenheim Solutions 英文原版 本书全面系统地论述了信号与系统分析的基本理论和方法。全书共11章,内容包括:信号与系统、线性时不变系统,周期信号的傅里叶级数表示,连续和离散时间傅里叶变换,信号与系统的时域和频域特性,采样,通信系统,拉普拉斯和z变换以及线性反馈系统。每章都有足够数量的例题和大量精选的习题;并将习题分列为4种栏目,分属3种不同的层次,便于使用。    本书是在第1版基础之上经重新组织,重新改写并作补充而成,除保留原书结构新颖,选材得当,论述严谨,条理清楚等特色外,在某些方面更有所加强,恰似锦上添花,堪称反映信号与系统分析当代水平的一部佳作。    本书可作为通信与电子系统类,自动化类以及全部电类专业信号与系统课程的教材,也可以供任何从事信息获取、转换、传输及处理工作的其它专业研究生,教师和广大科技工作者参考。 part1 地址http://download.csdn.net/source/1220163
2022-03-21 11:25:34 2.47MB Signals Systems 信号与系统 Oppenheim
Mastering OpenCV 3 - Second Edition by Daniel Lélis Baggio English | 4 May 2017 | ASIN: B01N7G0BKE | 250 Pages | AZW3 | 4.82 MB Key Features Updated for OpenCV 3, this book covers new features that will help you unlock the full potential of OpenCV 3 Written by a team of 7 experts, each chapter explores a new aspect of OpenCV to help you make amazing computer-vision aware applications Each chapter is a tutorial for an entire project from start to finish, showing you how to apply OpenCV to solve complete problems Book Description As we become more capable of handling data in every kind, we are becoming more reliant on visual input and what we can do with those self-driving cars, face recognition, and even augmented reality applications and games. This is all powered by Computer Vision. This book will put you straight to work in creating powerful and unique computer vision applications. Each chapter is structured around a central project and deep dives into an important aspect of OpenCV such as facial recognition, image target tracking, making augmented reality applications, the 3D visualization framework, and machine learning. You’ll learn how to make AI that can remember and use neural networks to help your applications learn. By the end of the book, you will have created various working prototypes with the projects in the book and will be well versed with the new features of OpenCV3. What you will learn Execute basic image processing operations and cartoonify an image Build an OpenCV project natively with Raspberry Pi and cross-compile it for Raspberry Pi.text Extend the natural feature tracking algorithm to support the tracking of multiple image targets on a video Use OpenCV 3’s new 3D visualization framework to illustrate the 3D scene geometry Create an application for Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) using a support vector machine and Artificial Neural Networks Train and predict pattern-recognition algorithms to decide whether an image is a number plate Use POSIT for the six degrees of freedom head pose Train a face recognition database using deep learning and recognize faces from that database
2022-03-19 19:47:11 4.82MB OpenCV3
Mastering OpenCV 3, Second Edition, Get hands-on with practical Computer Vision using OpenCV 3. Second edition: April 2017
2022-03-19 18:27:34 6.46MB OpenCV3 Computer Vision
Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition(英文版) 对于想学习DSP的朋友来说,非常推荐这本书。内容讲解生动、浅显易懂!
2022-03-13 00:20:46 13.41MB DSP
Understanding Digital Signal Processing Second Edition 如假包换
2022-03-12 23:57:08 11.44MB Understanding Digital Signal Processing
Thistextisdesignedfortwotypesofstatisticscourses.Theearlychapters,combined with a selection of the case studies, are designed for use in the second half of a two-semester (two-quarter) introductory statistics sequence for undergraduates withstatisticsornonstatisticsmajors.Or,thetextcanbeusedforacourseinapplied regressionanalysis for masters or PhD students in other fields.
2022-03-12 19:29:06 14.94MB Statistics
PostGIS手册-第二版 这是发布的的代码存储库。 它包含从头到尾完成本书所必需的所有支持项目文件。 关于这本书 PostGIS是一个空间数据库,它集成了矢量和栅格数据的高级存储和分析功能,并且非常灵活和强大。 PostGIS为PostgreSQL对象关系数据库提供了地理对象的支持,并且是当前最受欢迎的开源空间数据库。 如果您想探索PostGIS技术的完整范围并公开相关的扩展,那么本书非常适合您。 本书是有关PostGIS工具和概念的综合指南,这些工具和概念是管理,操纵和分析PostGIS中的空间数据所必需的。 它涵盖了关键的空间数据操作任务,不仅说明了每个任务的执行方式,还说明了原因。 它提供了实用指南,可让您安全地利用PostGIS中的先进技术来简化空间数据库管理任务。 此外,您将学习利用基本和高级的矢量,栅格和路由方法以及数据维护,优化和性能的概念,并将帮助您将这些方法集成到大
2022-03-11 14:46:22 611.17MB HTML
非常好的设计模式资料,对designed patterns中涉及的设计模式进行解释,是面向对象设计人员的必备资料
2022-03-07 22:59:06 3.56MB design pattern