卡耐基梅隆大学SSD系列教材之SSD6(System Level Programming ,系统级编程)。中文版翻译为《深入理解计算机系统》。是国外的经典教材
2021-10-08 21:49:09 1.35MB ssd6 系统级编程 深入理解计算机系统
本书是《Types and Programming Languages》的升级版,讲解更深入的类型知识
2021-10-08 20:44:49 9.07MB fp haskell
2021-10-08 18:50:20 116B Python 人工智能 编程语言
This book is for people who want to write programs that communicate with each other using an application program interface (API) known as sockets. Some readers may be very familiar with sockets already, as that model has become synonymous with network programming. Others may need an introduction to sockets from the ground up. The goal of this book is to offer guidance on network programming for beginners as well as professionals, for those developing new network-aware applications as well as those maintaining existing code, and for people who simply want to understand how the networking components of their system function.
2021-10-08 15:47:56 5.41MB program sockets Unix
Practical Programming in Tcl/Tk is described as the "bible" for Tcl programmers. It is a guide to the Tcl/Tk programming language and GUI toolkit.
4th Edition!!第四版!!比较权威的tcl/tk资料,找了好久,终于找到了,共享下:)
2021-10-08 14:08:13 2MB Tcl Tk
The book is organized in five parts. Part I, which includes Chapter 1, provides motivating examples and illustrates how optimization problems with decomposable structure are ubiquitous. Part II describes decomposition theory, algorithms, and procedures. Particularly, Chapter 2 and 3 address solution procedures for linear programming problems with complicating constraints and complicating variables, respectively. Chapter 4 reviews and summarizes VIII Preface duality theory. Chapter 5 describes decomposition techniques appropriate for continuous nonlinear programming problems. Chapter 6 presents decomposition procedures relevant for mixed-integer linear and nonlinear problems. Chapter 7 considers specific decomposition techniques not analyzed in the previous chapters. Part III, which includes Chapter 8, provides a comprehensive treatment of sensitivity analysis. Part IV provides in Chapter 9 some case studies of clear interest for the engineering profession. Part V contains some of the codes in GAMS used throughout the book. Finally, Part VI contains the solutions of the even exercises proposed throughout the book.
2021-10-07 16:09:20 3.36MB Benders Dantzig-Wolf Decompositio Decompositio
《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》内容简介:你可能想创建具有动态性 交互性 包含丰富数据而且互连的Web页面 先等一下 Web页面 为什么不用HTML5创建成熟的Web应用呢 另外 为什么不使用现代技术 像在移动设备上一样轻松地应用到桌面浏览器呢 当然 你肯定希望使用最新的HTML5技术来完成 比如地理定位 视频 2D绘制 Web存储 Web工作线程等 是不是 《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》就是你的车票 拿到这张车票 你就能轻松地学习如何使用当前的标准和将来的最佳实践来构建Web应用 当然 在这本书中你会了解HTML5新API的基础知识 更妙的是 还将学习这些API如何与你的页面交互 JavaScript如何为这些API助一臂之力 以及如何使用这些API来构建让你的老板和朋友对你刮目相看的Web应用 ">《Head First HTML5 Programming 中文版 》内容简介:你可能想创建具有动态性 交互性 包含丰富数据而且互连的Web页面 先等一下 Web页面 为什么不用HTML5创建成熟的Web应用呢 另外 为什么不使用现代技术 像在移动设备上一样
2021-10-07 11:15:06 62.92MB Head First HTML5
C 语言 程序设计 现代方法 第2版 C Programming A Modern Approach 英文 及 中文 版本,有定位过的书签,很清晰,便于查阅:阅后请使用正版
2021-10-06 23:18:38 218.69MB C语言 程序 设计 现代
2021-10-06 22:15:42 2.55MB The Science Of Programming