理财静态,后端可以灵活设置参数比例:   购买10元理财币每天收益2元/天8天16元出局   购买30元理财币每天收益6元/天8天48元出局   购买200元理财币每天收益40元/天8天320元出局   购买500元理财币每天收益106元/天8天848元出局   购买1500元理财币每天收益338元/天8天2704元出局   购买3000元理财币每天收益712元/天8天5696元出局   提现:1金币起提(1金币=1元)30分钟内到账,提现无手续费。   分红:下单后立即到账第一天的分红,可随时提现,第二天分红以第一天购买时间结算。   动态推荐奖8代:   一代8二代4三
2022-03-04 16:58:16 10.68MB php理财
采用java技术构建的一个管理系统。整个开发过程首先对系统进行需求分析,得出系统的主要功能。接着对系统进行总体设计和详细设计。总体设计主要包括系统功能设计、系统总体结构设计、系统数据结构设计和系统安全设计等;详细设计主要包括系统数据库访问的实现,主要功能模块的具体实现,模块实现关键代码等。最后对系统进行功能测试,并对测试结果进行分析总结。 包括程序毕设程序源代码一份,数据库一份,完美运行。配置环境里面有说明。如有不会运行源代码或定制私信。
2022-03-04 14:08:57 13.49MB P2P金融理财管理系统
nlp-ali 金融大脑的挑战赛 个人的代码 近期做了一些NLP的研究,并基于6月份蚂蚁金服金融大脑的挑战赛,完成了文本相似度计算的验证。 主要思路是基于word2vec来进行训练,并实现文本相似度的计算。 所使用的语料,包括了公开的wiki语料,网友收集的微信语料,以及此大赛中的语料。 其中微信语料的位置在 注意,此次语料训练采用了增量训练的方式。 使用方式: 1、下载此代码到本地。 2、下载训练的模型。位置在 下载后放到models目录下。 3、运行python ali_wx_wiki_vec_compare.py ./input_test.txt ./temp/ 4、结果在temp目录下。 训练: 1、下载数据到本地。拷贝到此代码大的根目录下。 数据公开的网址稍后更新。 2、运行如下脚本即可。 python word2vec_train.py
2022-03-03 22:13:19 6KB Python
2022-03-01 11:54:49 23B
WOT,Word Of Tech峰会,是由51CTO重磅打造的高端技术盛会,关注趋势与变革,洞察创新与实践,推动发展与创新,搭建技术与思想自由交流的平台
2022-03-01 10:34:16 6.77MB 智能金融
Rqalpha-myquant-learning 对开源项目Rqalpha的改造,在应用上面更适合个人的应用。学习量化策略,对量化策略进行开发调试。 2018-05-25程序更新: 集成大鱼金融提供的分钟线回测Mod,用来提供Jaqs分钟线数据源,测试程序通过。 目前的改造情况: 1.增加ats.main.py,来驱动起回测,使程序可以使用pycharm进行开发调试 2.增加批量回测功能 3.在AlgoTradeConfig中进行配置回测的策略和所需要的参数信息,参数信息通过excel文件进行配置 4.在ats.main.py中设置参数为batch,运行回测,会将输出的.csv文件放在cvsResult目录下,将回测的图片保存在picResult目录下。 5.读取回测的.csv文件,提取账户信息,可以将不同参数回测的结果输出在同一张图片上,更加清晰的看清同一个策略,不同参数所带来的变化。
2022-03-01 10:33:43 176.73MB funds rqalpha Python
2022-02-28 18:41:35 44KB 金融
C 量化金融开发库
2022-02-28 11:50:06 9.87MB Python开发-其它杂项
After the fundamental volume and the advanced technique volume, this volume focuses on R applications in the quantitative investment area. Quantitative investment has been hot for some years, and there are more and more startups working on it, combined with many other internet communities and business models. R is widely used in this area, and can be a very powerful tool. The author introduces R applications with cases from his own startup, covering topics like portfolio optimization and risk management. There are six chapters in this book, categorized into three parts: Financial Market and Financial Theory, Data Processing and High Performance Computing of R, and Financial Strategy Practice. Every chapter is a holistic knowledge system. Section One is Financial Market and Financial Theory (including Chapters 1 and 2), which starts with an understanding of finance to establish a basic idea of financial quantification. Chapter 1, Financial Market Overview, is the opening chapter of this book, which mainly introduces the ideas and methods of how to use R language to make quantitative investments. Chapter 2, Financial Theory, mainly introduces the classic theoretical models of finance and the R implementation methods. In Section Two, Data Processing and High Performance Computing of R (including Chapters 3 and 4), essential tools of R language for data processing and their usage are introduced in detail. Chapter 3, Data Processing of R, cored with the data processing technology of R, introduces the methods of processing different types of data with R language. In Chapter 4, High Performance Computing of R, three external technologies are introduced to help the performance of R language meet the production environment requirements. Section Three, Financial Strategy Practice (including Chapters 5 and 6), combines the R language technology and the financial market rules to solve the practical problems in financial quantification field. In Chapter 5, Bonds and Repurchase, readers can learn the market and the methods of low-risk investment. In Chapter 6, Quantitative Investment Strategy Cases, the investment research methods from theory to practice are introduced in whole. Since knowledge of different areas is comprehensively applied in this book, it is suggested that you read all the chapters in order. Some of the technical implementations mentioned in this book use the information from the other two books of the series, R for Programmers: Mastering the Tools and R2 for Programmers: Advanced Techniques, so it is recommended that you read those two as well.
2022-02-25 23:29:44 17.57MB r语言 量化投资 金融
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2022-02-25 19:25:10 186.27MB web安全 金融 数据分析 安全