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2021-03-11 20:02:41 74.39MB 测试类型 接口
2021-03-11 09:09:50 132KB 爬虫 数据可视化 pyecharts python
SecureCRT是一款支持SSH(SSH1和SSH2)的终端仿真程序,简单地说是Windows下登录UNIX或Linux服务器主机的软件。 - SecureCRT和SecureFX 9.0支持在会话管理器过滤器框中使用通配符,使您可以优化搜索以显示您感兴趣的确切会话,管理工作并最大程度地减少错误。 这两个应用程序还允许您指定要预加载到SSH2代{过}{滤}理中的密钥,从而在使用集成的SecureCRT + SecureFX捆绑包时节省时间并简化了步骤。 - SecureCRT 9.0提供了新的自定义选项。 可以设置状态栏,使其仅显示您选择的顺序所需的项目(例如日志文件名和本地系统时间)。 您还可以显示选定的行数,并以全屏模式查看状态栏。 另外,它还新增了对Python 3的支持,对选定文本进行Google搜索的功能以及对多行粘贴确认的增强。 - 除了对Amazon AWS S3的支持之外,SecureFX 9.0还提供了增强的文件传输选项,这些选项可自动将文件从传输队列中删除并由目标服务器添加时间戳。 使用方法: 1、文件解压密码:1987 2、单独安装程序。 3、把目录中file下的文件拷贝到相应的安装目录下。 4、开始使用。
2021-03-10 14:12:17 54.6MB SecureFX SecureCRT ssh
2021-03-09 22:47:23 3.84MB 身份证 PowerBuilder 9.0
2021-03-09 20:03:02 129.07MB 显卡
TINA 9.0使用教程COPYRIGHTS C Copyright 1990-2010 Design Soft, Inc. All rights reserved All programs recorded on the original release CD of TINA and the accompanying documentation are copyrighted. TINA is provided under a license Agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with its terms and conditions LIMITED LIABILITY TINA, together with all accompanying materials, is provided on an “asis” basis, without warranty of any kind DesignSoft, Inc, its distributors, and dealers make no warranty, either expressed, implied, or statutory, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose In no event will Design Soft Inc, its distributor or dealer be liable to anyone for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages or losses arising from the purchase of tina or from use or inability to use tina TRADEMARKS IBM PC/AT, PS/2 are registered trademarks of international Business machines corporation Windows, Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/ XP/Vista/Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation PSpice is a registered trademark of Micro im Corporation Corel Draw is a registered trademark of corelinc TINA is a registered trademark of Design Soft, Inc English version TABLE OF CONTENTS 1。| NTRODUCTION 1.1 What is tiNa and tiNa Design Suite?.....9 1.2 Available Program Versions .15 1.3 Optional supplementary hardware 16 1.3.1 TINALab lI High Speed Multifunction pc instrument 1.4 LoqiXplorer 18 2. NEW FEATURES IN TINA 19 2.1 List of new features in tina v9 19 2.1 List of new features in tina v8 21 2.2 List of new features in tina 7.0 22 3. INSTALLATION AND START-UP 25 3.1 Installation Procedure 25 3.1.1 Minimum hardware and software requirements 25 TINA Quick Start Contents 3.1.2 Installation from CD-ROM 26 3.1.3 Following the Installation steps 3.1.4 Welcome and software license Agreement… 27 3.1.5 Entering User Information 28 3.1.6 Networking Options 28 S
2021-03-09 10:04:23 25.29MB TINA 9.0 使用教程
SecureCRT 客户端运行于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux,将坚如磐石的终端仿真与强大的加密、广泛的身份验证选项以及 SSH(Secure Shell)协议的数据完整性结合起来,以实现安全的网络管理和最终用户访问。 SecureFX 是 SecureCRT 配套的文件传输客户端,支持 FTP、HTTP、HTTPS、SFTP、SCP 和 Amazon S3(新增)。 支持 Windows® Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012
2021-03-08 16:01:23 28.32MB SecureCRT Windows
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2021-03-06 22:36:16 118B oa
好用的 真的 keygen V9.0 注册机,我自己测试成功.
2021-03-06 22:31:26 177KB keygen V9.0 注册机
Jaspersoft Studio 的下载速度慢,还需要注册登录。网上找了很久,才找到这个版本
2021-03-05 18:02:05 402.06MB 设计 exe win64 可视化