Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching (3rd Edition) Robert Sedgewick著 PDF版本 算法 I~IV(C++实现)——基础、数据结构、排序和搜索(第三版)英文版 有书签目录 文字版 无水印 完整版
2019-12-21 19:58:41 11.17MB 算法 数据结构 C++ 塞奇威克
算法分析导论(第2版)(英文版) 罗伯特·塞奇威克 (Robert Sedgewick) (作者), 菲利普·弗拉若莱 (Philippe Flajolet) (作者) 本书全面介绍了算法的数学分析中所涉及的主要技术。涵盖的内容来自经典的数学课题(包括离散数学、初等实分析、组合数学),以及经典的计算机科学课题(包括算法和数据结构)。本书的重点是“平均情况”或“概率性”分析,书中也论述了“最差情况”或“复杂性”分析所需的基本数学工具。 本书第1版为行业内的经典著作,本版不仅对书中图片和代码进行了更新,还补充了新章节。全书共9章,第1章是导论;第2~5章介绍数学方法;第6~9章介绍组合结构及其在算法分析中的应用。除每章包含的大量习题以及参考文献外,本书特设配套免费学习网站,为读者提供了很多关于算法分析的补充材料,包括课件和相关网站的链接,帮助读者提高学习兴趣,完成更深入的学习。
2019-12-21 19:55:57 6.64MB 数据结构
算法基础:打开算法之门 Thomas H. Cormen 读者将理解什么是计算机算法,如何描述它们,以及如何来评估它们。这些计算机算法将提供:利用计算机搜索信息的简单方式;解决各种排序问题的方法;利用有向无环图和最短路径法来解决基本问题的方法(可用于建模公路网络,任务间的依赖以及金融关系;解决字符串(例如DNA结构)问题的方法;密码学背后的基本原理;数据压缩的基础知识;以及甚至一些没有人能够理解如何在计算机上用相当长的时间来解决的问题。
2019-12-21 19:55:57 2.5MB 数据结构
曼博(Udi Manber)美国著名的计算机科学家,国际公认的算法大师,在线信息搜索引擎的先驱。1982年于华盛顿大学获得计算机科学博士学位,曾是美国亚利桑那大学计算机专业教授。。他提出的UDI测试已经成为衡量搜索引擎质量的评估标准。 本书着重于阐述构造算法的思想,而非算法本身的实现细节,比如基于归纳思想统一了分治和动态规划,通过引入增强归纳假设描述了动态规划的一般设计技巧。 本资源为DJVU格式,专为书本扫描优化,高清版
2019-12-21 19:53:16 4.48MB 算法 算法引论 创造性方法
This book surveys computer algorithms and programming techniques for specifying and generating motion for graphical objects, that is, computer animation. It is primarily concerned with three-dimensional (3D) computer animation. The main audience is advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students in Computer Science. Computer graphics programmers who want to learn the basics of computer animation programming and artists who use software packages to generate computer animation (digital animators) who want to better understand the underlying computational issues of animation software will also benefit from this book.
2019-12-21 19:51:58 17.18MB math 3d graphics mathematics
High Efficiency Video Coding (Hevc) Algorithms and Architectures;
2019-12-21 19:51:14 10.86MB HEVC H265
【作  者】Sedgewick, Robert [同作者作品] 【出 版 社】 Addison-Wesley 【书 号】 0201361183 【上架时间】 2008-3-31 【出版日期】 2005 年7月 Algorithms in C++, Parts 1–4: Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching, Third Edition By Robert Sedgewick - Princeton University ............................................... Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date: July 13, 1998 Print ISBN-10: 0-201-35088-2 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-201-35088-3 Web ISBN-10: 0-7686-8533-8 Web ISBN-13: 978-0-7686-8533-6 Pages: 752 Slots: 2.0 Table of Contents | Index Robert Sedgewick has thoroughly rewritten and substantially expanded and updated his popular work to provide current and comprehensive coverage of important algorithms and data structures. Christopher Van Wyk and Sedgewick have developed new C++ implementations that both express the methods in a concise and direct manner, and also provide programmers with the practical means to test them on real applications. Many new algorithms are presented, and the explanations of each algorithm are much more detailed than in previous editions. A new text design and detailed, innovative figures, with accompanying commentary, greatly enhance the presentation. The third edition retains the successful blend of theory and practice that has made Sedgewick's work an invaluable resource for more than 250,000 programmers! This particular book, Parts 1n4, represents the essential first half of Sedgewick's complete work. It provides extensive coverage of fundamental data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, and related applications. Although the substance of the book applies to programming in any language, the implementations by Van Wyk and Sedgewick also exploit the natural match between C++ classes and ADT implementations. Highlights Expanded coverage of arrays, linked lists, strings, trees, and other basic data structures Greater emphasis on abstract data types (ADTs), modular programming, object-oriented programming, and C++ classes than in
2019-12-21 19:48:28 5.84MB Algorithms in C++ Parts
《游戏编程: 算法和技术》的英文原版,非扫描
2019-12-21 19:46:09 10.01MB Game Programming; Algorithms; Techniques
Boosting, Foundations and Algorithms,Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning,The MIT Press
2019-12-21 19:46:05 5.27MB Boosting Machine Learning
2019-12-21 19:45:42 12.96MB Algorithms Physical Design Automation