简单的遗传算法(Genetic Algorith)的C++源代码。实现最大化一个函数。
2021-04-21 09:52:04 5KB 遗传算法 Genetic Algorithm 基因算法
Polar 译码编码算法 Polar Code Algorithm with Matlab example
2021-04-20 00:54:59 324KB polar code algorithm matlab
2021-04-19 16:54:46 4.21MB 数据结构 算法分析
Coppersmith-Winograd-Algorithm 尝试为Coppersmith Winograd算法创建关于NXN阵列的算法
2021-04-18 13:43:13 12KB
2021-04-17 18:28:01 133KB Algorithm
二维路径规划问题--蚁群算法 超详细 这篇blog的源代码,价格相当于白嫖,需要的读者自行下载
2021-04-17 18:03:57 4KB matlab 蚁群算法 路径规划 智能算法
2021-04-16 17:00:10 186B 6262
Jupyter / Binder生物程序的示例:纳米簇的遗传算法 作者:Geoffrey R. Weal和Anna L. Garden博士(奥塔哥大学,但尼丁,新西兰) 小组页面: : 佩奇援引以下工作的话:开发一种结构比较方法,以促进对纳米团簇的整体优化中对势能面的探索; Geoffrey R. Weal,Samantha M. McIntyre和Anna L. Garden; JCIM; 在提交阶段。 该存储库旨在提供有关如何使用“有机体”程序的示例。 Organisms程序旨在执行针对纳米团簇的遗传算法全局优化。 它的设计灵感来自伯明翰群集遗传算法和Roy Johnston集团的伯明翰并行遗传算法。 可以在线查看有关有机体计划的文档。 请参阅有关如何安装有机体的文档,包括如何通过PIP进行安装。 可在找到有关Organisms程序的github页面。 要通过Bind
2021-04-15 19:19:48 245KB binder jupyter genetic-algorithm clusters
2021-04-15 13:08:20 105KB algorithm
详细介绍了AES-CMAC的算法的原理与实现,附有C语言写的样例程序。 以下是原文的introduction: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently specified the Cipher-based Message Authentication Code(CMAC). CMAC [NIST-CMAC] is a keyed hash function that is based on a symmetric key block cipher, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard [NIST-AES]. CMAC is equivalent to the One-Key CBC MAC1 (OMAC1) submitted by Iwata and Kurosawa [OMAC1a, OMAC1b]. OMAC1 is an improvement of the eXtended Cipher Block Chaining mode (XCBC) submitted by Black and Rogaway [XCBCa, XCBCb], which itself is an improvement of the basic Cipher Block Chaining-Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC). XCBC efficiently addresses the security deficiencies of CBC-MAC, and OMAC1 efficiently reduces the key size of XCBC. AES-CMAC provides stronger assurance of data integrity than a checksum or an error-detecting code. The verification of a checksum or an error-detecting code detects only accidental modifications of the data, while CMAC is designed to detect intentional, unauthorized modifications of the data, as well as accidental modifications. AES-CMAC achieves a security goal similar to that of HMAC [RFC-HMAC]. Since AES-CMAC is based on a symmetric key block cipher, AES, and HMAC is based on a hash function, such as SHA-1, AES-CMAC is appropriate for information systems in which AES is more readily available than a hash function. This memo specifies the authentication algorithm based on CMAC with AES-128. This new authentication algorithm is named AES-CMAC.
2021-04-15 10:38:21 24KB AES-CMAC CBC-MAC AES 消息认证码