A Web Application for Interactive Data Analysis with Spark
2021-08-21 14:12:22 6.89MB spark
A Web Application for Interactive Data Analysis with Spark
2021-08-21 14:12:21 6.89MB spark
Interface Design for Spark Community by Reynold Xin.pdf
2021-08-21 13:01:56 1.23MB spark
2021-08-20 01:23:04 309KB 聚类 算法 数据结构 参考文献
2021-08-20 01:03:19 141KB spark
We designed this book mainly for data scientists and data engineers looking to use Apache Spark. The two roles have slightly different needs, but in reality, most application development covers a bit of both, so we think the material will be useful in both cases. Specifically, in our minds, the data scientist workload focuses more on interactively querying data to answer questions and build statistical models, while the data engineer job focuses on writing maintainable, repeatable production applications-either to use the data scientist’s models in practice, or just to prepare data for further analysis (e.g., building a data ingest pipeline). However, we often see with Spark that these roles blur. For instance, data scientists are able to package production applications without too much hassle and data engineers use interactive analysis to understand and inspect their data to build and maintain pipelines.
2021-08-19 11:14:36 7.88MB Spark
BigCLAM-ApacheSpark:使用基于Apache Spark的BigCLAM模型在大型网络中进行社区检测重叠
2021-08-19 11:03:31 32.51MB machine-learning scala latex spark
[ ]( ) RabbitMQ Spark流媒体接收器 RabbitMQ-Receiver是一个库,允许用户使用读取数据。 要求 该库需要Spark 2.0 +,Scala 2.11 +,RabbitMQ 3.5+ 使用图书馆 有两种使用RabbitMQ-Receiver库的方法: 第一个是在pom.xml中添加下一个依赖项: com.stratio.receiver spark-rabbitmq LATEST 另一个是克隆完整的存储库并构建项目: git clone https://github.com/Stratio/spark-rabbitmq.git mvn clean install
2021-08-18 19:10:51 198KB Scala
基于Spark的Web文本挖掘系统的研究与实现-beta2 - 副本-论文.zip
2021-08-18 18:04:33 357KB 论文
云计算概念诞生至今约10年的时间,这10年来,相比云计算诞生初期,技术条件、行业和市场环境均发生了巨大变化,广大读者对云计算的认知需求,也从当初的粗浅概念阶段,发展到希望深度探索的阶段。 本书以云计算架构技术为核心,从讨论云计算发展为起点,围绕云计算架构涉及的核心技术与商业实践展开。论及的核心技术包括计算、存储、网络、数据、管理、接入、安全等方面,涵盖了云计算的最新趋势、原理、特性与实践。 本书针对希望了解云计算技术最新进展的读者和希望深入探索云计算架构技术的读者编写,适用于企业IT部门首席信息官(CIO)、IT主管、技术类人员、IT技术公司、互联网公司、教育机构的师生、IT技术工程师等。
2021-08-18 16:21:01 6.92MB OpenStack Hadoop Spark Cascade