This ebook is the first authorized digital version of Kernighan and Ritchie’s 1988 classic, The C Programming Language (2nd Ed.). One of the best-selling programming books published in the last fifty years, "K&R" has been called everything from the "bible" to "a landmark in computer science" and it has influenced generations of programmers. Available now for all leading ebook platforms, this concise and beautifully written text is a "must-have" reference for every serious programmer’s digital library. As modestly described by the authors in the Preface to the First Edition, this "is not an introductory programming manual; it assumes some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. Nonetheless, a novice programmer should be able to read along and pick up the language, although access to a more knowledgeable colleague will help."
2021-10-21 08:34:26 743KB c语言 2th 英文
-R-programming-with-applications-to-financial-quantitive-analysis 本人参与编写了一部分,《R软件及其在金融定量分析中的应用》配套代码,给大家推荐一本R语言在定量金融方面的好书,是许启发教授主编的,这本书2015年5月份正式上线,其实从2013年底开始写的,经历大约两年的时间。这本书一出来就收到了很大的关注,读者反映都很好。这本书本身是属于一个系列的《数量经济系列丛书》一本,这系列的书封面很相似,都是蓝的的背景。这个系列的其他书大家可能都见过,在市面上也很受欢迎。下面我大体介绍一下《R语言在定量金融中应用》这本书的内容,这本书首先从R语言的基本功能谈起,比如基本数据结构,绘图,包的安装等等,非常详细。并且介绍了一些学习R语言的资源,非常难得的是,本书将R语言在定量金融方面的包做了一个梳理,让大家知道那存在哪些包可以做定量金融,
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Author: Glynn Winskel The MIT Press
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