SecureBridge是一个Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder的非可视组件库。用来保护计算机与可信任网络之间的连接,阻止未经授权的访问。可以为安全连接远程服务提供SSH协议,可以配合使用数据访问组件,以防止资料被截取或网络环境被修改。SSH(Secure Shell)具有透明、保密性强。
2019-12-21 19:49:35 15.96MB Delphi SecureBridge Tokyo
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2019-12-21 19:45:01 8.59MB PCI PCIe 中文版 PCI2.3
postgis 2.3 适用于postgresql 9.4及以上版本使用。 可以配合hibernate-spatial-4.3进行空间距离范围远近计算
2019-12-21 19:36:05 25.96MB gis postgis hibernate-sp
因为自己在Python 3.7版本安装lxml失败多次,选择下载并提供给大家使用。
2019-12-21 19:34:44 2.09MB lxml
将压缩包解压成EN文件夹,放到ROBOPro.exe执行文件目录 与其它语言包同级,进入软件在语言一栏中切换成英文。 版本向上也兼容
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Eclipse下的数据库插件DBViewer 1.将zigen.plugin.db_1.2.3.v20101023.jar 放到D:\eclipse\plugins 下。 2.重启Eclipse,需要让Eclipse重新加载插件。 3.打开Eclipse后,在Window选项中找到Show View,查找可见DBViewer。
2019-12-21 19:28:28 1.78MB DBViewer
无线充电Qi标准协议v1.2.3 Qi wireless charging is a feature available in dozens of smartphones, and many of the major smartphone makers are participating members of the WPC. For smartphones that do not yet offer wireless charging, third-party manufacturers are integrating power receiver subsystems into smartphone cases or selling charging coils that consumers can insert between the back of their smartphone and the case. Wireless charging is also appearing in a growing number of other consumer product categories—smart watches, power banks, Bluetooth headsets, cameras, electric shavers, etc. Virtually anything that uses a rechargeable battery can be designed to use Qi wireless technology. However, Qi wireless power transfer is not limited to charging batteries: it can also be used to power devices that require electric current and will remain stationary while in use, such as desktop lamps or speakers.
2019-12-21 19:27:37 8.84MB 无线充电
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2019-12-21 18:58:49 16.4MB CSR