Version: 1.3.0 (2020-11-19) Keil.STM32L5xx_DFP.1.3.0.pack Download Updated Pack to STM32CubeL5 Firmware Package version V1.3.1 (using HAL Drivers V1.0.3.) Added global define USE_HAL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube HAL:Common Added global define USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER to the component ::Device:STM32Cube LL:Common CMSIS-Driver: SPI: Corrected peripheral resource for CubeMX configuration. STM32CubeL5 HAL: Added Public key accelerator (PKA) HAL component. Package Description (pdsc): Removed stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h from "STM32Cube HAL / Common" component. stm32l5xx_hal_conf.h is generated by STM32CubeMx. Adding condition to api and taxonomy to limit to the devices described in this pack. Flash programming algorithms: Added octo SPI algorithm for STM32L562E-DK board. Added octo SPI algorithm for STM32L552E-EVAL board. Restored original ST octo SPI algorithm.
2021-04-15 14:03:27 39.80MB Keil STM32L5xx_DFP 1.3.0 pack
Version: 1.3.0 (2020-06-24) Keil.STM32MP1xx_DFP.1.3.0.pack Download Added additional devices for STM32MP157 sub family. Added devices for the STM32MP151 and STM32MP153 sub families.
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Version: 1.0.0 Keil.STM32W1xx_DFP.1.0.0.pack Download First Release version of STM32W1 Device Family Pack.
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Version: 1.1.0 (2020-02-21) Keil.STM32WBxx_DFP.1.1.0.pack Download Adding support for STM32WB35CExx/WB35CCxx and STM32WB50xxxx, STM32WB30xxxx devices. Updating STM32WB55xG devices and SVD file. fixing the Flash size for the STM32WB55xG devices.
2021-04-15 14:03:26 30.75MB Keil STM32WBxx_DFP 1.1.0 pack
Version: 1.1.0 (2020-12-08) Keil.STM32WLxx_DFP.1.1.0.pack Download Device Support: Aligned devices with CubeMX DB (V6.1.0). Updated Pack to STM32CubeWL Firmware Package version V1.0.0 (using HAL Drivers V1.0.0.). Added Cube HAL support. Added CubeMX support for single core devices. Note: Projects for dual core devices need to be initiated from within STM32CubeMX generating the uVision projects. Updated SVD files. Updated documentation. Updated flash programming algorithms.
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