2022-03-27 15:08:50 448KB 首发论文
teradata fS-LDM金融业逻辑数据模型白皮书
2022-03-27 09:38:15 272KB teradata
2022-03-27 00:12:43 10.85MB 通达信 金融终端 免费
2022-03-26 17:42:16 27.32MB 互助源码 直销系统 金融互助 MMM
用于定量金融自动股票交易的深度强化学习库FinRL:用于定量金融自动股票交易的深度强化学习库该存储库引用了我们的论文代码,该代码出现在Deep RL Workshop,NeurIPS 2020中。 DRL)已被认为是量化金融的一种有效方法,动手实践经验对初学者很有吸引力。 但是,要训练一个实际的DRL交易代理,该代理决定在哪里进行交易,以什么价格和什么数量进行交易就容易出错。
2022-03-25 22:15:16 7.74MB Python Deep Learning
Emanuel Derman was a quantitative analyst (Quant) at Goldman Sachs, one of the financial engineers whose mathematical models became crucial for Wall Street. The reliance investors put on such quantitative analysis was catastrophic for the economy, setting off the ongoing string of financial crises that began with the mortgage market in 2007 and continues through today. Here Derman looks at why people-- bankers in particular --still put so much faith in these models, and why it's a terrible mistake to do so.Though financial models imitate the style of physics and employ the language of mathematics, ultimately they deal with human beings. There is a fundamental difference between the aims and potential achievements of physics and those of finance. In physics, theories aim for a description of reality; in finance, at best, models can shoot only for a simplistic and very limited approximation to it. When we make a model involving human beings, we are trying to force the ugly stepsister's foot into Cinderella's pretty glass slipper. It doesn't fit without cutting off some of the essential parts. Physicists and economists have been too enthusiastic to acknowledge the limits of their equations in the sphere of human behavior--which of course is what economics is all about. Models.Behaving.Badly includes a personal account of Derman's childhood encounters with failed models--the oppressions of apartheid and the utopia of the kibbutz. He describes his experience as a physicist on Wall Street, the models quants generated, the benefits they brought and the problems, practical and ethical, they caused. Derman takes a close look at what a model is, and then highlights the differences between the successes of modeling in physics and its failures in economics. Describing the collapse of the subprime mortgage CDO market in 2007, Derman urges us to stop the naïve reliance on these models, and offers suggestions for mending them. This is a fascinating, lyrical, and very human look behind the curtain at the intersection between mathematics and human nature.
2022-03-25 20:38:44 1.48MB 金融模型 经济危机
2022-03-25 20:09:32 21.31MB 金融衍生品 量化 华尔街 数学
2022-03-25 15:54:00 406KB 汉英 金融 证券
2022-03-24 22:16:20 2.32MB 银行 HTML5 金融 大气
本课程系讲师在实际工作中的一真实项目,除简化了部分业务逻辑外,基础架构及核心模块超均来自企业项目。本课程为第一季。 基础设置,主要是对整个框架的搭建,对流程的控制,对所用到的技术进行基础讲解。 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1pJNnBgZ 密码:pwoo
2022-03-24 10:51:14 39.25MB SSH2 LigerUI JBPM5 Node.js