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2022-04-06 02:03:17 1.25MB sap_hana_ha rhel7_saphana resource_agents
SAP GUI for Java 7.70 rev 3 for MAC安装包 文件名:GUI770Installation_5-70004682.dmg 构建信息: Version ID: A077000040500 Build Date: 2022-02-14 08:04:49 +0100 Build Info: gclm0108, 760_REL, 2116312
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SAP AS100固定资产以前年度导入模板,经测试在1809版本之前,都正常,1809之后未进行正式测试,如需本年度导入模版,请查看作者其它文件
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描述在系统架构中手动设置配置所需的一般配置步骤; 或者,通过使用预定义任务列表进行某些配置步骤,以自动方式执行ABAP系统配置任务。 提供每个SAP Fiori方案中的常规配置步骤。以下是SAP Fiori的三种方案:交易应用程序(Transactional apps),分析应用程序(Analytical apps)和实况报告报表(Fact sheets)。每个方案都有其特定的系统或软件要安装。通过阅读本文档,它可以根据所需的系统环境设置客户特定的SAP Fiori环境。
2022-04-01 18:18:34 1.4MB Fiori SAP 配置方法
SAP Fiori 官方最新培训中使用的现金流案例。与你分享。
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Best Practice Guide - Classical Migration of SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP to SAP HANA
2022-04-01 17:52:34 974KB Best Practice Guide
SAP HANA will soon celebrate its second birthday. Hard to believe, but this technology has been on the market for almost two years now. During this time, its use potential increased significantly: From an in-memory database for data marts, which supplements SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse and the SAP Business Suite, to all types of data warehouse applications and a platform for analytical and transactional systems. Today, SAP HANA is a complete, high-end database for all SAP applications and, at the same time, an innovation platform for completely new types of real-time applications (in the area of healthcare, for example).
2022-04-01 17:51:56 80.57MB SAP ABAP HANA
2022-04-01 15:15:13 104.28MB SAP