使用GVF域和VFC域进行图片分割 % Vector field convolution (VFC) external force field example. % % See also AMT, EXAMPLE_PIG, AM_VFC, AM_VFK, AC_DISPLAY. % % Reference % [1] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Active contour external force using % vector field convolution for image segmentation," Image Processing, % IEEE Trans. on, vol. 16, pp. 2096-2106, 2007. % [2] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Automatic Active Model % Initialization via Poisson Inverse Gradient," Image Processing, % IEEE Trans. on, vol. 17, pp. 1406-1420, 2008. % % (c) Copyright Bing Li 2005 - 2009. clear all disp('======================================') disp('Vector field convolution (VFC) example') %% parameter settings disp('Initializing parameters ...') SAVE_AVI = 0; % set it to 1 if you want to save the process as .avi movie DISPLAY_STREAMLINE = 0; % set it to 1 if you want to plot streamlines, note that it takes a while mu = .2; GVF_ITER = 100; normalize = 1; alpha = .5; beta = 0; tau = .5; SNAKE_ITER = 5; SNAKE_ITER1 = 60; RES = .5; clr = {'b' 'b' 'r'}; %% Read images disp('Reading images ...') U = imread('im_U.bmp'); noisyU=imread('im_Unoisy.bmp'); figure(1) %% compare 3 different cases for cs = 1:3, %% compute external force fields switch cs, case 1, % traditional GVF with Gaussian filter disp('--------------------------------------------------') disp('Case 1: GVF snake with initial circle close to FOI') disp('Computing the external force field ...') h = fspecial('gaussian',[5 5],5); f = imfilter(double(noisyU),h); titl = 'GVF'; Fext = AM_GVF(f, mu, GVF_ITER, normalize); R = 20; case 2, % traditional GVF with Gaussian filter disp('--------------------------------------------------') disp('Case 2: GVF snake with initial circle far away from FOI') disp('Computing the external force field ...
2019-12-21 19:56:10 4.58MB 主动轮廓 GVF VFC
2019-12-21 19:55:46 1.14MB contourlet 阈值去噪
比如 将一个背景为白色的鱼贴到一个海洋背景中 本程序就可以只贴鱼的部分 而过滤掉白色的背景 看起来更为逼真(用opencv实现)
2019-12-21 19:55:34 175KB opencv实现白色背景透明
2019-12-21 19:55:01 1.61MB 轮廓的提取
2019-12-21 19:54:29 158.2MB 建筑数据 .shp shapefile 建筑轮廓
AMM算法的应用 能够搜索到嘴和眼睛的轮廓 可以进行特征的提取
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该工程是opencv提取障碍物轮廓,然后进行多边形近似,之后为了设置安全距离,对多边形顶点进行外扩,最后连成直线并显示出来。 原理以及效果见博客https://blog.csdn.net/hjk61314/article/details/82112610
1、任意选择凸轮参数:机构类型、旋转方向、角度、基本尺寸,以及运动规律。 2、输出理论轮廓/实际轮廓的计算结果; 3、实时显示轮廓曲线,可模拟旋转 4、可以供《机械原理》课程学习使用。 5、VC++编
2019-12-21 19:52:22 11KB 凸轮 凸轮轮廓 机械原理 解析法
这是contourlet工具箱,即所谓的塔型方向滤波器组(PDFB),里面有四个例子,分别是decdemo, nlademo, nlademo2, and denoisedemo.下载后,可以先找到这几个demo程序,学习一下怎样使用,有问题联系我~~~~~
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2019-12-21 19:51:47 233.66MB shp 城市建筑轮廓