2021-08-03 09:03:10 9.65MB 素材解析 千图 千库 多网站解析
一个小型的操作系统,采用gcc进行开发,几行的代码,方便初学者学习,内含有编译好的映像文件,及bochs模拟器配置文件,可在bochs下模拟运行。如下为源码包内的README文件: # # Snixos Project version 1.0, 2003.6 # (C) Copyright 2003,2004,2005 Jockeyson,KeqianGao # All Rights Reserved. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. # # This program is a free and open source software and you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. As no any liability is assumed # for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with the # information or program fragments contained herein,so any exception arised # is at your own risk. It is ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. # Bug report please send to Snallie@tom.com . # 0. What is Snixos Project? Snixos Project is an experimental operating system designed by Jockeyson , KeqianGao aiming at multitask/multithread, Chinese envionment including Chinese characters input and ouput etc... 1. What you need to run Snixos PC with the following minimum configuration: CPU: i386 or above MEM: 2M extended memory or more DISPLAY: VGA or above Floppy Drive: 1.44M 2. Compile Environment RH Linux 7.2 or above (kernel 2.4.7-10 ) NASM 0.98 gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-98) 3. Compile and install a. unpack the source package tar zxvf snixos_x.x_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.tgz b. cd to snixos cd snixos c. before make insert a 1.44M floppy in drive c.1 to make snixos run in VGA text mode make clean make VIDEO=TEXT diskimg make floppy c.2 to make snixos run VGA graphics mode make clean make diskimg make floppy d. bootup with the floppy just created in step c also you can follow this way to run snixos in bochs either in Windows or Linux a. just as the above b. just as the above c. invoke these command: make clean; make diskimg you'll get a snixos ima
2021-07-31 13:02:22 506KB snixos
易语言里模块 更改 易语言内置浏览器IE版本等等 一条命令搞定
2021-07-30 22:30:58 115KB 易语言
空调电机控制的原理详细解释,计数公式和参数的整定。 是入门好资料
2021-07-30 09:17:29 3.7MB 电机控制 空调
Rocket Dock, Object Dock,RK Launcher都应该不陌生,在论坛也经常看到有人问到“怎么将图标放置在桌面顶部”。这三款软件应该说都比较优秀,也各有特点,一般插件也可通用,但相对而言,Rocket Dock的东西要少些,今天就给大家带来一些Rocket Dock的东西,一款Rocket Dock,一款Leopard皮肤再加上600多个倒影图标,一次让你挑个够!我们可以使用ICO.PNG快速转换工具来实现ICO与PNG的互换。
2021-07-29 20:04:20 26.62MB 1000倒影图标 RocketDock LEOPARD 皮肤
JAVA+UTF8+JDK8 access(支持带密码)同步到mysql数据库; 右击导出时候直接选Runnable jar file; 导出之后复制config文件夹与jar包放到同一个目录下; 我是导出为可执行jar之后,做了个系统任务,定时的跑; 此项目支持jdk8并且读取access不限制1000条; tips: 导出时候config文件夹不会被导出,这个文件夹里的file.properties是配置连接信息及用户名密码的; 如果file.properties里的中文显示为code,你需要右击此文件,点击Properties—Text file encoding设置为utf8。
2021-07-29 13:57:17 6.36MB 数据同步 不限1000 支持JDK8
可以下载付费的资源,需要的可以去试试!目前 是可以的
2021-07-29 11:26:00 577KB 千图网,下载
网传资源,如有侵权请联系/留言,资源过大上传乃是下载链接的ZIP文件。 目录: 『课程目录』:' y1 t+ J. }. Y& r6 x 1.01图-形学介绍5 n2 S8 ~% P A 2.02渲染流程 3.03shader 结构 4.04属性定义 5.05灯光设置 6.06纹理寻址原理 7.07纹理设置 H2 M k& b5 H: N 8.13outline+ v4 b- y2 y6 l! t 9.14blurning 10.08shader2.0结构及语义 11.09shader2.0矩阵变换 12.10shader2.0 波-动8 U* ]# s2 ~; O4 R0 `# j 13.11河流效果 14.12loading/ p1 W: N' \* R/ a) q4 ] 15.17Alpha测试 16.18模板测试! U% U( b* B v6 i6 d1 d' a( [ 17.19深度缓存19+ P" \0 ?* f, a% @- d8 N( F+ i 18.20深度测试实战 19.21Blend 20.22Renderqueue 21.23Renderpath0 a- k7 h3 e: F+ X: {5 a* F 22.24surface5.00 P9 O+ f* ]4 r$ x0 s1 K/ o3 K$ w 23.25顶点变化! ]; M# l$ B: _: a 24.26片段着色器 25.27参数传递 26.28向量的运算) a$ r1 U/ e9 y7 |2 k% ]/ @ 27.29灯光原理 28.30自定义光照模型 29.31法线贴图原理. o+ P5 \4 h7 g2 l8 J 30.32边缘检测% k; P8 y& F% `5 X+ W8 o4 m 31.33cubemap: ~% @5 c U! h V. W 32.34折射% V" f# Y2 c4 C1 K7 H' E 33.35fresnel 34.36fog1 g( D% a* W1 `# v! D8 p } 35.37brdf4 x0 k3 ?3 ?& i' R& k ; Z6 [% S0 O4 B: Z# T
2021-07-27 14:19:36 274B 千锋Unity3D C#入门课程
2021-07-26 23:35:52 61.03MB Django web