Making IT Lean: Applying Lean Practices to the Work of IT presents Lean concepts and techniques for improving processes and eliminating waste in IT operations and IT Service Management, in a manner that is easy to understand. The authors provide a context for discussing several areas of application within this domain, allowing you to quickly gain insight into IT processes and Lean principles.,解压密码
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Long considered the standard for covering chemistry at a high level, PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY, 7e continues to set the standard as the most modern, rigorous, and chemically and mathematically accurate book on the market. Thoroughly revised and updated throughout to strengthen its sound "atoms first" approach, this authoritative book now features new content, and new art. In addition, the text is now more reader friendly without compromising its rigor. End-of-chapter learning aids now focus on only the most important key objectives, equations and concepts, making it easier for readers to locate chapter content, while new applications to a wide range of disciplines, such as biology, chemical engineering, biochemistry, and medicine deepen readers' understanding of the relevance of chemistry in today's world.,解压密码
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解压密码 Put statistical theories into practice with PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERING AND THE SCIENCES, 9th . Always a market favorite, this calculus-based book offers a comprehensive introduction to probability and statistics while demonstrating how to apply concepts, models, and methodologies in today's engineering and scientific workplaces. Jay Devore, an award-winning professor and internationally recognized author and statistician, stresses lively examples and engineering activities to drive home the numbers without exhaustive mathematical development and derivations. Many examples, practice problems, sample tests, and simulations based on real data and issues help you build a more intuitive connection to the material. A proven and accurate book, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERING AND THE SCIENCES, 9th also includes graphics and screen shots from SAS, MINITAB, and Java™ Applets to give you a solid perspective of statistics in action.,解压密码
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The purpose of this book is to teach the main concepts of Bayesian data analysis. We will learn how to effectively use PyMC3, a Python library for probabilistic programming, to perform Bayesian parameter estimation, to check models and validate them. This book begins presenting the key concepts of the Bayesian framework and the main advantages of this approach from a practical point of view. Moving on, we will explore the power and flexibility of generalized linear models and how to adapt them to a wide array of problems, including regression and classification. We will also look into mixture models and clustering data, and we will finish with advanced topics like non-parametrics models and Gaussian processes. With the help of Python and PyMC3 you will learn to implement, check and expand Bayesian models to solve data analysis problems. ,解压密码
2020-02-02 03:17:29 3.6MB 英文