2022-12-29 09:31:31 3.61MB IOCP 聊天室 VC c++
摘要:VC/C++源码,图形处理,计算机图形学   计算机图形学VC++实习源码实例,收集一些计算机图形学实习时的源码,将众多VC++图形绘制、填充等技术集合在了一个程序中,由武汉大学遥感信息工程学院学生所写。计算机图形学实习程序源代码包含基本算法和一些库的调用,如OpenGL等,更适合新手下载源码参考学习。 来源:乐乐源码(www.lelecode.com)
2022-12-28 18:10:24 342KB 源码 VC设计
2022-12-28 12:21:12 1.42MB C++ 猜数 游戏 课程设计
Key Features Introduction of the CSP concurrency model by explaining GoRoutines and channels. Objective comparison, with the help of images, of the CSP concurrency model and the Actor model to give the audience a "side by side" understanding of the CSP model. Explanation, including comprehensive text and examples, of all known GoF design patterns in Go. Book Description Go is a multi-paradigm programming language that has built-in facilities to create concurrent applications. Design patterns allow developers to efficiently address common problems faced during developing applications. Go Design Patterns will provide readers with a reference point to software design patterns and CSP concurrency design patterns to help them build applications in a more idiomatic, robust, and convenient way in Go. The book starts with a brief introduction to Go programming essentials and quickly moves on to explain the idea behind the creation of design patterns and how they appeared in the 90's as a common "language" between developers to solve common tasks in object-oriented programming languages. You will then learn how to apply the 23 GoF design patterns in Go and also learn about CSP concurrency patterns, the "killer feature" in Go that has helped Google develop software to maintain thousands of servers. Thus the book will enable you to understand and apply design patterns in an idiomatic way that will produce concise, readable, and maintainable software. What you will learn All basic syntax and tools needed to start coding in Go. Encapsulate the creation of complex objects in an idiomatic way in Go. Create unique instances that cannot be duplicated within a program. Understand the importance of object encapsulation to provide clarity and maintainability. Prepare cost-effective actions so that different parts of the program aren't affected by expensive tasks. Deal with channels and GoRoutines within the Go context to build concurrent application in Go in an idiomatic way. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Ready... Steady... Go! Chapter 2. Creational Patterns - Singleton, Builder, Factory, Prototype, and Abstract Factory Design Patterns Chapter 3. Structural Patterns - Composite, Adapter, and Bridge Design Patterns Chapter 4. Structural Patterns - Proxy, Facade, Decorator, and Flyweight Design Patterns Chapter 5. Behavioral Patterns - Strategy, Chain of Responsibility, and Command Design Patterns Chapter 6. Behavioral Patterns - Template, Memento, and Interpreter Design Patterns Chapter 7. Behavioral Patterns - Visitor, State, Mediator, and Observer Design Patterns Chapter 8. Introduction to Gos Concurrency Chapter 9. Concurrency Patterns - Barrier, Future, and Pipeline Design Patterns Chapter 10. Concurrency Patterns - Workers Pool and Publish/Subscriber Design Patterns Title: Go Design Patterns Author: Mario Castro Contreras Length: 399 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2017-03-06 ISBN-10: 1786466201 ISBN-13: 9781786466204
2022-12-27 17:59:18 2.2MB Go 设计模式
gtest的vc2010使用例子,gtest是c++/c单元测试首选测试框架,类似Java的Junit. http://blog.csdn.net/infoworld/article/details/33738427
2022-12-27 15:58:49 2.25MB gtest 单元测试 C++ 入门
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2022-12-26 23:39:32 58MB VC知识库
网上有人做的合订本索引很乱,且分卷太多不便于下载,我用Magic CHM Merge合并效果很好,给大家收藏。 这个合订本我以前都有保存,但是后来换电脑,就丢失了,这次从网上找回来不容易,VC知识库网站已经不提供离线版本下载了,希望大家保存好。
2022-12-26 23:38:02 40.69MB VC知识库
网上有人做的合订本索引很乱,且分卷太多不便于下载,我用Magic CHM Merge和斌效果很好,给大家收藏。 这个合订本我以前都有保存,但是后来换电脑,就丢失了,这次从网上找回来不容易,VC知识库网站已经不提供离线版本下载了,希望大家保存好。
2022-12-26 23:37:36 58MB VC知识库-
网上有人做的合订本索引很乱,且分卷太多不便于下载,我用Magic CHM Merge合并效果很好,给大家收藏。 这个合订本我以前都有保存,但是后来换电脑,就丢失了,这次从网上找回来不容易,VC知识库网站已经不提供离线版本下载了,希望大家保存好。
2022-12-26 23:33:13 58MB VC知识库