《Model Predictive Control: Theory and Design》这本书是国外大学学习模型预测控制(MPC)的指定教材,出版于2009年。
2020-01-03 11:34:45 2.64MB 教材
快速入门机器人学需掌握的工具书。运动规划。WE FIRST and foremost want to thank our students, who were incredibly supportive of us when writing this book. We would like to thank the members of the Biorobotics/ Sensor Based Planning Lab at Carnegie Mellon, especially Ji Yeong Lee; the Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems at Northwestern; the robotics group in the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; the Physical and Biological Computing Group at Rice, especially Andrew Ladd and Erion Plaku; the Lab for Autonomous Intelligent Systems at the University of Freiburg, especially Dirk Hähnel and Cyrill Stachniss; and the Stanford and Carnegie Mellon Learning Labs, for their contributions and efforts for this book.
2020-01-03 11:34:36 31.51MB Robot Motion Algorithms
该书是Eldar教授最新专著,结合最近的压缩感知理论,她提出了调制宽带转换器,实现了高效的模拟信息转换。内容从金典的香农采样理论开始,逐步深入提出亚Nyquist 采样理论,再到硬件的电路设计,非常适合初学者阅读,也适合科研人员参考!
2020-01-03 11:31:40 22.27MB 模拟信息转换 调制宽带
2020-01-03 11:27:31 2.08MB 稀疏 子空间 聚类
Chi-Tsong Chen(陈启宗)的线性系统第三版(英文),经典之作。
2020-01-03 11:23:39 2.06MB CONTROL linear system
2020-01-03 11:23:19 2.04MB Wireless Sensor Networks
Recent interest in biological games and mathematical finance make this classic 1982 text a necessity once again. Unlike other books in the field, this text provides an overview of the analysis of dynamic/differential zero-sum and nonzero-sum games and simultaneously stresses the role of different information patterns. The first edition was fully revised in 1995, adding new topics such as randomized strategies, finite games with integrated decisions, and refinements of Nash equilibrium. Readers can now look forward to even more recent results in this unabridged, revised SIAM Classics edition. Topics covered include static and dynamic noncooperative game theory, with an emphasis on the interplay between dynamic information patterns and structural properties of several different types of equilibria; Nash and Stackelberg solution concepts; multi-act games; Braess paradox; differential games; the relationship between the existence of solutions of Riccati equations and the existence of Nash equilibrium solutions; and infinite-horizon differential games.
2020-01-03 11:22:26 26.74MB Game theory
控制学科sci期刊IET control theory and application 期刊的最新latex投稿模板
2020-01-03 11:21:22 423KB LaTeX模板
pdf格式,需要的请下载 总共569页 简介请google
2020-01-03 11:17:54 11.51MB computer systen theory 3rd
Fuzzy Set Theory-and Its Applications, Fourth Edition
2020-01-03 11:16:18 13.65MB Fuzzy Set Theory