2021-12-21 12:02:51 20.28MB 嵌入式
Test Plan - Platforms Allows you some kind sub testplan inside a main test plan. Have you ever wanted to execute a similar test plan on a different platform (hardware, operating system, browser etc)? This featureallows you to assign and execute test cases on different platforms. You can have different set of test cases for each platform - XML export/import of test cases and platforms links - XML export of testplan contents - Private Test plans Test Specification - Test cases version comparison - Private Test projects - Inventory - URL Links from external sites - Individual test case steps and expected results - Test case import more options for manage duplicate situations Execution - XML export of test cases sets - Test Case execution tester assignment at build level - Improvement on XML import - Search by Custom Fields Requirements - Fully support of N-level nested tree of requirements specifications. - Requirements relations - Requirements versioning - Requirements version comparison - Requirement freeze - URL Links from external sites - Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirements - Allow use on notes of Links bewteeen Requirement Specs User Interface - Interactive tables Many features allows you to customize the data by sorting, reordering, grouping and filtering. This mean that you easily can adapt the views to better suit you. - Filter improvements Custom fields - for test cases and requirements values are managed at version level. Technology - PHP 5.3 support - Ext-JS intensive use User management - Administrator can set user passwords without sending it by email. Utilities (extra system) - XLS to XML generator for Test Cases and Requirements API - new methods
2021-12-20 11:57:36 21.65MB 开源测试工具
2021-12-18 18:10:55 512KB sql sybase
freyrscada.github.io:变电站自动化协议的解决方案-IEC 60870-5-104,DNP3,IEC 60870-5-101,MODBUS,IEC 60870-5-103,DLMS-COSEM,模拟器,测试工具,适用于Windows,Linux,arm, powerpc,QNX等
2021-12-18 11:04:06 17.08MB 系统开源
简单好用,兼容性强。 无需进入监控软件,直接运行软件即可。
2021-12-17 14:12:13 302KB 球机 云台 测试 软件
内含: AC620静态IP地址和ARP绑定设置.bat AC620设置时间工具TimeSet_V3.exe NetAssist.exe
2021-12-17 09:04:05 383KB FPGA 小梅哥 AC620V2
2021-12-17 02:56:11 168KB 显卡维修 显卡测试 mats4.78 mats478
警告:不能用来做坏事 运行程序后会发送大量UDP包 发布本软件的目的是为了测试局域网的网络环境, 无线路由器可以测试无线频点干扰及无线吞吐量 测试路由器的性能 运行后打开任务管理器-联网 运行ping -t 测试响应速度
2021-12-16 21:27:33 136KB 路由器
2021-12-16 18:54:35 991KB 短信猫 SMS