this Bayesian signal processing text will provide a much needed “down-to-earth” exposition of modern MC techniques. It is coupled with well-known signal processing model sets along with examples and problems that can be used to solve many real-world problems by practicing engineers and scientists along with entry level graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates and postdoctorates requiring a solid introduction to the “next generation” of model-based signal processing techniques.
2021-07-15 10:52:01 9.16MB 粒子滤波
毕加索 使用 Processing 制作的简单而出色的递归三角形图形。 彩色闪烁图形的屏幕截图在。
2021-07-13 17:39:16 543KB Java
使用Python和Opencv实现智能图像处理的入门级教程 附带示例
2021-07-13 17:08:28 93.27MB Opencv Python
With the advent of powerful digital signal processing algorithms, both multidimen­sional signal analysis and reconstruction in imaging systems may now be formulated via more concrete theoretical principles and foundations. These theoretical founda­tions, which were deemed to be impractical for implementation in realistic imaging systems, not only can be used to develop accurate and computationally manageable reconstruction algorithms, but they also provide a new understanding of the informa­tion content of the signals that are utilized for image formation.
2021-07-13 15:14:25 50.9MB SAR Signal Proce MATLAB
这是一个在 Android 的 Processing 上运行的串行通信库。 使用此库,您可以在处理草图中使用 FTDI 设备和/或 Arduino 设备。
2021-07-13 12:19:18 77KB 开源软件
医学文献中的因果关系提取 使用条件随机场进行因果关系提取和识别。 这是我们的教师的项目。 到项目演示。 介绍 因果关系是两个事件之间的关系:因果。 原因是结果的产生者,而结果是原因的结果。 例如“饥饿是年轻婴儿哭泣的最常见原因。” 原因是“饥饿”,结果是“哭泣”。 当前的工作集中在从医学领域文本中检测和提取因果关系。 从检测因果关系的角度来看,以下区别可能有用: •标记或未标记:如果有特定的语言单位表示这种关系,则标记因果关系; 否则未标记。 标有“我买了它,因为我读了很好的评论”; “当心。 不稳定”不是。 •歧义:如果商标始终表示因果关系,则它是明确的(例如,“因为”)。 如果它有
ICM-毛刺 ##GLITCH ICM 2014 最终项目汤米佩恩 & Pat Shiu | ###优先事项: 将用户鼠标映射到法师大小而不是画布大小 延迟加载图像 2 秒,让一个过滤器仅作为初始视图播放 - 然后用户开始使用按钮播放 为 UI 加载 PNG 文件,摆脱 controlP5 清楚/简洁地命名 UI 按钮,也许在轨道上使用图标 简化与 UI 的交互,仅隔离与按钮的交互,而不是跨画布的 mouseX/Y
2021-07-12 14:04:37 105.65MB Processing
###KidKinect 与儿童游戏空间中的物理模拟实时交互 ####去做: [] 使用Silhouette 示例验证Kinect [] 在 chaote 笔记本电脑上安装 SimpleOpenNI [] 重构所有三个代码示例(并弄清楚它们是如何工作的) [] 更新和实验 ####调试: ####特征: silouette 作为多边形 多边形 silouette 定义流场掩码 多边形silouette边缘检测 与 2D 几何的实时交互 ####未来功能: 用视频源替换背景将传入的图像放在绘制的开头而不是 background() 用视频源替换silouette: 使用屏蔽 使用 GL 图形库、GLSL 着色器来保持良好的帧率 见示例: GLGraphics > 纹理 > 动态蒙版 依赖项: 处理 2.0b3 或 1.5.1(测试示例并使用两者) SimpleOpenN
2021-07-11 17:03:19 26KB Processing
Sparse image and signal processing:Wavelets curvelets morphological diversity书
2021-07-11 00:14:38 30.1MB 稀疏 压缩感知
I know what you are asking yourself--‘there are a lot of books available about DSP, is this book the one for me?’ Well that depends on who you are. If 1. you are interested in doing research and development in one of the many state-of-the-art applications of DSP, such as speech compression, speech recognition, or modem design, 2. your main proficiency or science rather than is in computer science, abstract mathematics,electronics or electrical engineering, 3. your math ematical background is relatively strong (flip back now to the appendix-you should be comfortable with about half of what you see there), then you are definitely in the target group of this book.
2021-07-11 00:04:42 56.82MB DSP