My primary intent in writing this book is to provide the reader with basic programming, financial, and mathematical tools that can be successfully leveraged both in industry and academia. I cover the use of the R programming language, as well as the R environment as a means for manipulating financial market data and for solving a subset of problems that quants and traders typically encounter in their day-to-day activities. The chapters that follow should be treated as a tutorial on a recommended set of tools that I have personally found useful and that have served me well during the last few years of my career as a quant trader/developer. I am writing this book from the vantage point of a quant practitioner and not that of an academic. A significant portion of the content is based on my lecture notes from a graduate level class in quantitative finance that I teach on a part-time basis at Loyola University in Chicago.
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经典教材,不用多说:) Speech and Language Processing: An introduction to natural language processing, computational linguistics, and speech recognition. Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin. Copyright c 2006, All rights reserved. Draft of June 25, 2007. Do not cite without permission.
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Gregory Satir & Doug Brown写的一本很受用的书.
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Bjarne Stroustrup, "The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition"epub阅读格式版。 内带目录、标签和链接,整体质量非常高,阅读体验比PDF版要好。
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The C++ Programming Language(中文版),非常适合c++学习者的入门教程
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The Swift Programming Language 中文版
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HP ilo4 固件 2.4 HP ilo4 中文语言包2.4
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The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition.pdf
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The C Programming Language 高清中文版.pdf
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