AURIX Development Studio 1.4.0 安装包
2022-10-07 14:05:19 383.68MB AURIX 英飞凌 智能车
AURIX Development Studio 1.5.0 安装包
2022-10-07 14:05:18 383.81MB AURIX 英飞凌 智能车
Devart UniDAC 代表通用数据访问组件,包括用于直接访问 Delphi、 C++ Builder和 Lazarus 下的各种数据库的工具。使用这个套件,程序员可以在没有中介的情况下交流和管理他的数据库。 主要组件有ODAC(Oracle数据访问组件),SDAC(SQL Server数据访问组件),MyDAC(MySQL数据访问)包括IBDAC组件(InterBase 和 Firebird 数据访问组件)、PgDAC 组件(PostgreSQL 数据访问组件)和 LiteDAC 组件(SQLite 数据访问组件)。 此软件仅供学习及测试用,请不要用于商业用途。
2022-10-07 11:20:55 143.47MB Devart UniDAC Delphi
2022-10-07 10:03:32 7.34MB graphics 曲线图 android studio
2022-10-06 09:06:37 145.6MB obs
Android Studio Intent隐式启动,发短信,拨号,打电话,访问网页等实例代码 功能 创建5个按钮,隐式启动、发短信、拨号按钮、电话按钮、打开网页按钮。通过使用Intent来完成各自按钮下的功能 代码目录如下 详细代码如下: activity_main.xml代码如下 <LinearLayout xmlns:android= xmlns:tools= android:layout_width=match_par
2022-10-05 18:44:02 245KB activity android id
#清磁盘啦~,CSDN“网盘”真好用,感谢CSDN~ 《编程新技术事务》,安卓开发,简单拨号器的实现,包含添加联系人、简单通讯录功能,基于Android Studio进行开发,使用SQLite数据库,UI设计有点丑哈哈
2022-10-05 09:04:43 11.31MB android studio android 简单拨号器
使用Newland手持安卓扫码枪NLS-N7进行条码扫描测试,测试源码见附件。实现功能:打开软件后自动定位焦点到输入框,按下PDA扫码键,扫码成功后自动填充至输入框内。 扫码使用广播方式实现。
2022-10-04 14:04:32 12.25MB PDA 扫码 源码
今天写代码,需要输出一些中文,于是就顺势发现了这个问题:VS Code输出中文成乱码。上网查询了一番后,我找到了解决方法,我决定将我看到的方法整理出来,帮助更多朋友。(windows10系统下) 1. 打开控制面板 可以点击电脑桌面上的相应图标打开 也可以点击桌面左下角开始按钮,找到W开头文件列表下的windows系统文件夹中的控制面板 2.选择时钟和区域下的更改日期、时间或数字格式 3.点击管理,然后点选择更改系统区域设置 4. 勾选Beta版:使用Unicode UTF-8提供全球语言支持,然后点击确定,并同意系统的重启请求 重启电脑后就OK啦! 知识点补充:Visual St
2022-10-03 16:43:34 403KB al io IS
Learn how to implement design patterns in Java: each pattern in Java Design Patterns is a complete implementation and the output is generated using Eclipse, making the code accessible to all. The examples are chosen so you will be able to absorb the core concepts easily and quickly. This book presents the topic of design patterns in Java in such a way that anyone can grasp the idea. By giving easy to follow examples, you will understand the concepts with increasing depth. The examples presented are straightforward and the topic is presented in a concise manner. Key features of the book: Each of the 23 patterns is described with straightforward Java code. There is no need to know advanced concepts of Java to use this book. Each of the concepts is connected with a real world example and a computer world example. The book uses Eclipse IDE to generate the output because it is the most popular IDE in this field. This is a practitioner's book on design patterns in Java. Design patterns are a popular topic in software development. A design pattern is a common, well-described solution to a common software problem. There is a lot of written material available on design patterns, but scattered and not in one single reference source. Also, many of these examples are unnecessarily big and complex. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Observer Patterns Chapter 3: Singleton Patterns Chapter 4: Proxy Patterns Chapter 5: Decorator Patterns Chapter 6: Template Method Patterns Chapter 7: Strategy Patterns (Or, Policy Patterns) Chapter 8: Adapter Patterns Chapter 9: Command Patterns Chapter 10: Iterator Patterns Chapter 11: Facade Patterns Chapter 12: Factory Method Patterns Chapter 13: Memento Patterns Chapter 14: State Patterns Chapter 15: Builder Patterns Chapter 16: Flyweight Patterns Chapter 17: Abstract Factory Patterns Chapter 18: Mediator Patterns Chapter 19: Prototype Patterns Chapter 20: Chain of Responsibility Patterns Chapter 21: Composite Patterns Chapter 22: Bridge Patterns (Or Handle/Body Patterns) Chapter 23: Visitor Patterns Chapter 24: Interpreter Patterns
2022-10-03 15:24:58 6.24MB Java Design Patterns