1.对查询进行优化,应尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引。 2.应尽量避免在 where 子句中对字段进行 null 值判断,否则将导致引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描,如:select id from t where num is null可以在num上设置默认值0,确保表中num列没有null值,然后这样查询:select id from t where num=0 3.应尽量避免在 where 子句中使用!=或<>操作符,否则引擎将放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描。 4.应尽量避免在 where 子句中使用or 来连接条件,否则将导致引擎放
2022-09-20 01:23:16 82KB mysql mysql update语句
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2022-09-19 22:00:09 202KB 西工大 西工大_数据 西工大_数据库
大数据就是我们收集和存储农业相关数据的领域。 在本文中,我们研究了印度缺乏的大数据农业先进技术,智能农业/有机农业。 印度有很多农民缺乏先进技术,我们希望通过土壤、灌溉、环境、杀虫剂和基因工程向农民提供真正的知识,从而改善农民的经济,从而使越来越多人与农业息息相关。
2022-09-19 21:54:22 172KB Smart Agriculture
作者是康奈尔大学著名的教授John Hopcroft所作,阐述了大数据相关的基本理论,和处理方法。是想要学习data science的同学的一个参考。
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大数据项目实施经验思维导图,介绍非常完整,包括数据获取、数据维护、数据处理、数据检索 、数据可视化、数据碰撞、数据算法、数据应用各阶段的打法介绍,一图看懂。
Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码 Hadoop 3.x(MapReduce)----【Hadoop 序列化】---- 代码
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data_wuliu.csv 数据分析用 pandas python jupyter notebook 大数据
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Streaming data is a big deal in big data these days. As more and more businesses seek to tame the massive unbounded data sets that pervade our world, streaming systems have finally reached a level of maturity sufficient for mainstream adoption. With this practical guide, data engineers, data scientists, and developers will learn how to work with streaming data in a conceptual and platform-agnostic way. Expanded from Tyler Akidau’s popular blog posts "Streaming 101" and "Streaming 102", this book takes you from an introductory level to a nuanced understanding of the what, where, when, and how of processing real-time data streams. You’ll also dive deep into watermarks and exactly-once processing with co-authors Slava Chernyak and Reuven Lax. You’ll explore: How streaming and batch data processing patterns compare The core principles and concepts behind robust out-of-order data processing How watermarks track progress and completeness in infinite datasets How exactly-once data processing techniques ensure correctness How the concepts of streams and tables form the foundations of both batch and streaming data processing The practical motivations behind a powerful persistent state mechanism, driven by a real-world example How time-varying relations provide a link between stream processing and the world of SQL and relational algebra
2022-09-16 17:54:50 7.35MB 流计算 大数据