Design rule for Camera File system(DCF) 数码相机 文件系统 设计规范 DCF 英文版
2022-05-16 12:02:07 114KB 数码相机 文件系统 设计规范 DCF
The.C.Programming.Language(C程序设计语言-第2版·新版) 包括中文版和英文版,非扫描清晰文字版,带官方题解,和非官方题解。
2022-05-16 11:30:28 5.5MB C C语言
HTTP1.1.chm HTTP协议(RFC2616)中文版.pdf HTTP协议.ppt HTTP收集.txt Http状态码完整说明.doc telnet输入乱码的解决.doc tomcat下配置https环境 tomcat部署https笔记.txt Tomcat配置Https访问 win7下开启telnet命令.doc
2022-05-16 10:03:35 14.2MB HTTP1.1 RFC2616
Progressive Disclosure is a concept in User Interface Design which advocates only presenting to the user the information they need when they need it. In many ways, the book you are reading right now is an example of this principle. In fact, it is quite likely that this book wouldn’t have “worked” a mere seven years ago. For you see, the programming world was quite a different place when RESTful Web Services, the predecessor of this book, was written. At that time, the term “REST” was was rarely used. And when it was used it was often misapplied, and widely misunderstood. This was the case despite the fact that the standards upon which REST is based, namely HTTP and HTML, were developed and became IETF and W3C standards in roughly their current form in the second half of the 1990s. Roy Fielding’s thesis paper in which he introduced the term REST and on which this book was based was itself published in 2000.
2022-05-16 09:30:16 10.33MB RESTful webAPI 英文版
2022-05-16 00:13:09 1.13MB 员工 管理 软件
2022-05-16 00:08:45 653KB c# 进存销 access
Spring in Action, Fourth Edition is a hands-on guide to the Spring Framework, updated for version 4. It covers the latest features, tools, and practices including Spring MVC, REST, Security, Web Flow, and more. You'll move between short snippets and an ongoing example as you learn to build simple and efficient J2EE applications. Author Craig Walls has a special knack for crisp and entertaining examples that zoom in on the features and techniques you really need.
2022-05-15 21:36:42 8.59MB Spring Java
2022-05-15 11:27:24 12.99MB 英文版
【内容简介】 本书深入浅出,全面地介绍了计算机算法。对每一个算法的分析既易于理解又十分有趣,并保持了数学严谨性。本书的设计目标全 面,适用于多种用途。涵盖的内容有:算法在计算中的作用,概率分析和随机算法的介绍。本书专门讨论了线性规划,介绍了动态规 划的两个应用,随机化和线性规划技术的近似算法等,还有有关递归求解、快速排序中用到的划分方法与期望线性时间顺序统计算 法,以及对贪心算法元素的讨论。本书还介绍了对强连通子图算法正确性的证明,对哈密顿回路和子集求和问题的NP完全性的证明等 内容。全书提供了900多个练习题和思考题以及叙述较为详细的实例研究。. 本书内容丰富,对本科生的数据结构课程和研究生的算法课程都是很实用的教材。本书在读者的职业生涯中,也是一本案头的数学参 考书或工程实践手册。 在有关算法的书中,有一些叙述非常严谨,但不够全面,另一些涉及了大量的题材,但又缺乏严谨性。《算法导论》将严谨性和全面 性融为一体。.. 本书深入讨论各类算法,并着力使这些算法的设计和分析能为各个层次的读者接受。各章自成体系,可以作为独立的学习单元。算法 以英语和伪代码的形式描述,具备初步程序设计经验的人就能看懂。说明和解释力求浅显易懂,不失深度和数学严谨性。 本书自第1版出版以来,已经成为世界范围内广泛使用的大学教材和专业人员的标准参考书。第2版增加了论述算法作用、概率分析与 随机算法、线性规划等几章。同时,对第1版的几乎每一节都作了大量的修订。一项巧妙而又重要的修改是提前引入循环不变式,并在 全书中用来证明算法的正确性。在不改变数学和分析重点的前提下,作者将许多数学基础知识从第一部分移到了附录中,并在开始部 分加入了一些富有诱导性的题材。...
2022-05-14 08:34:15 10MB 算法导论 算法 algorithm
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