网关套件是IoT远距离通信技术而设计的星形无线网络系列产品,内置局域,实现了 Sub-1G 与外网的数据透明传输。
2022-09-28 19:04:17 22.34MB 网关 无线网关 lora网关 chirpLAN网关
2022-09-27 18:26:43 21KB 易语言例程
本资源包含HX711较全面的资料以及参考例程 1、设计开发原理说明以及接线图。 2、51单片机原程序(LCD1602显示以及数码管显示的5kg电子秤程序)。 3、51下载程序以及驱动(STC-ISP)。 4、HX711AD参考资料(海芯)。 5、HX711AD模块原理图。 6、51仿真程序。 7、参考文档。 8、其他CPU参考例程(Arduino/STM8/STM32) 9、STC89C52RC开发板使用教程。
2022-09-27 09:27:23 18.43MB stm32 arm 嵌入式硬件 单片机
PI数据库开发SDK例程 The introduction provides an architectural overview of how the PI-SDK fits into various programming environments. A description and simplified view of the PI-SDK object model is also presented. What Is the PI-SDK? The PI Software Development Kit (PI-SDK) is a programming tool providing access to PI Servers. The software consists of an ActiveX in-process server, an ActiveX control, and supporting code libraries. The kit comes with online documentation, example code, various support files, and tools. The PI-SDK runs on 32-bit Windows platforms and provides access to servers on all PI platforms. Based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM), the PI-SDK can be used with most WIN32 programming environments. The kit is particularly well integrated with Microsoft Visual Basic providing rapid development and deployment of PI applications. The PI-SDK provides an object-oriented approach to program interaction with PI Systems. It delivers a hierarchical model of objects and collections representing the components of PI Servers. This approach provides for intuitive and efficient access. What Documentation Is Provided? The PI-SDK User Guide and the PI-SDK Programming Reference are the primary sources for information related to the PI-SDK. Both are incorporated in the online help system. A version of the user guide in MS Word format is also installed during the setup for printing or for use in training programs. Programming Reference Detailed programming references for properties and methods of each object in the PI-SDK and the PI-SDK Control and Dialogs are available in online help. Most methods provide an example of their usage in Visual Basic. Other code examples, including examples of calling the PI-SDK
2022-09-26 14:13:56 1.76MB PI
2022-09-25 23:59:05 988KB 数字通信 OTFS 调制解调 OFDM
2022-09-25 18:55:58 7.18MB AD7606 STM32F4
2022-09-25 13:01:06 2.3MB stm32f103
在别人源码的基础上修改的,增加了 ^C停止当前命令 和 cls命令的支持,玩脱了可以直接输入\restart回车,因为加入了^C所以理论上支持所有死循环命令,这个功能我翻了一整天百度才弄好的,个种模拟按键,投递消息都试过了,这个最完美
2022-09-24 23:45:34 5KB 易语言例程
对于msp430所有系列的新手教程 包含众多代码教程 新手易上手 讲解详细 有注释 包含C的代码和IRA的程序,十分详细
2022-09-24 17:42:43 838KB 单片机 MSP430 MSP430新手
2022-09-24 15:11:48 151KB Linux 程调度策略