msvcp100.dll 64位是win7 64位系统需要的vc库文件,msvcp100.dll是Visual Studio 2010的一个动态链接库,一般的丢失MSVSP100.dll的方法去装了64位的vc2010,因为想着自己系统是64位的肯定vc也要是64位的,而且搜索和请教别人也都是这么说,可是依然报错。如果某程序是用它开发出来的,那么该程序的运行就有可能需要此动态链接库,有些程序直接将其打包到了安装目录,并注册,就不会 出现缺失的问题;但有些程序则默认系统中有此动态链接库,没有进行处理,那就会出现缺失的问题。 msvcp100.dll 放在哪里 请下载VC运行库2010,记住,要装x86和X64两个版本,都要装。
2023-01-07 16:20:04 10.13MB visual studio visualstudio microsoft
VC 写的单据管理小程序,数据库操作小实例,要运行程序必须将数据库文件bills.mdb与可执行文件放在一起,如果在vc开发环境中运行,则需要将该数据库文件放在工程目录下。
2023-01-07 16:04:47 85KB VC/C 源码-数据库应用
我想说的是这类书不多,所以必定是好书。哇靠,大家支持啊。虽然很多人有这本书但是就是不分享啊。 Features •Emphasizes the latest state-of-the-art object-oriented methods wherever possible •Covers a large spectrum of computational tools, including sorting algorithms and Monte Carlo methods •Contains working C# code and numerous practical examples that illustrate how to apply the computational tools •Provides the C# source code online Summary Comprehensive Coverage of the New, Easy-to-Learn C# Although C, C++, Java, and Fortran are well-established programming languages, the relatively new C# is much easier to use for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Tools in C# presents a broad collection of practical, ready-to-use mathematical routines employing the exciting, easy-to-learn C# programming language from Microsoft. The book focuses on standard numerical methods, novel object-oriented techniques, and the latest Microsoft .NET programming environment. It covers complex number functions, data sorting and searching algorithms, bit manipulation, interpolation methods, numerical manipulation of linear algebraic equations, and numerical methods for calculating approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The author discusses alternative ways to obtain computer-generated pseudo-random numbers and real random numbers generated by naturally occurring physical phenomena. He also describes various methods for approximating integrals and special functions, routines for performing statistical analyses of data, and least squares and numerical curve fitting methods for analyzing experimental data, along with numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The final chapter offers optimization methods for the minimization or maximization of functions. Exploiting the useful features of C#, this book shows how to write efficient, mathematically intense object-oriented computer programs. The vast array of practical examples presented can be easily customized and implemented to solve complex engineering and scientific problems typically found in real-world computer applications.
2023-01-07 11:54:00 3.04MB Numerical Methods Algorithms and
《精通MFC程序设计》由浅入深、循序渐进地介绍了Visual C++开发环境下MFC库的具体使用方法。《精通MFC程序设计》分9篇共30章,内容涵盖了Windows-VC-MFC、MFC框架及消息处理机制、MFC通用控件和对话框编程、文档-视结构、MFC数据库编程、MFC网络编程、注册表编程、进程线程和DLL、异常与调试以及.NET MFC应用等,其中的大部分内容都配有较为丰富的实现代码。   《精通MFC程序设计》的最大特色是内容丰富翔实、讲解细腻具体,对涉及MFC实现理论的部分均进行了较为深入的剖析,并且对于书中的大部分内容都结合工程实践给出了相应的实现代码,具有很强的针对性,力求让读者通过亲自动手做而掌握使用MFC开发工程的方法,学习尽可能多的知识。同时,对于开发中可能会遇到的问题也都给出了相应的提示或说明。   《精通MFC程序设计》主要定位于初、中级读者,同时也可用作高校相关专业以及培训班的参考教材(要求读者具备C++的基本语法知识)。
2023-01-06 18:32:56 7.08MB MFC 编程, VC++
Unity3D SRDebugger - Console & Tools On-Device 1.9 调试工具 Unity3D SRDebugger - Console & Tools On-Device 1.9 调试工具
2023-01-05 22:29:20 1.14MB unity3d
VC++计算器可以进行加减乘除计算 前一段时间已经上传了一个vc++制作计算器的源程序,运算中的数字必须由键盘输入,现已加以改进,运算符和数字都可以通过鼠标按键操作,故而无偿共享给大家!
2023-01-05 21:11:55 19.26MB vc++ 简易计算器 vs 加减乘除
简单的MFC画板,功能齐全,代码齐全,亲自编的,里面有程序代码,也有开发过程的每一步怎么操作都很清楚 简单的MFC画板,功能齐全,代码齐全,亲自编的,里面有程序代码,也有开发过程的每一步怎么操作都很清楚
2023-01-05 20:19:06 3.33MB MFC 画图板
PE Tools v1.5.700 另一款PE编辑工具。
2023-01-05 18:22:08 241KB PE Tools v1.5.700
PE Tools绿色版它是一款著名的PE编辑重建软件,接触过加密解密的应该都知道这款工具,其功能强大甚至取代了老牌的LordPE。PE Tools可让您更深入的了解PE文件的构造以及流程,程序内置了反汇编编辑器、转储、重建、比较、分析等功能。
2023-01-05 18:13:44 1.1MB pe
2023-01-04 21:26:16 3.25MB Access数据库连接