非常威猛的官方固件UPDATE.APP解包打包工具(转自XDA论坛) Huawei Update Extractor After messing around a bit with the perl tools available for extracting Huawei update.app files, i got the idea to create an own (windows) tool. Requirements .Net Framework 3.5 Install Extract the content of the zip to a folder somewhere on your system. Execute HuaweiUpdateExtractor.exe I'm planning to create an installer sometime. Usage Press the browse (...) button and select an update.app file. Select a device or unknown and press on the open button. You'll see the content of the update.app file in the listview. Select one or more files and right click. Choose Extract selected from the context menu. Choose the ouput folder and press ok. Or just right click on the list and select Extract all, choose the output folder again and press ok. Press close on the extract window. You can sort the list on sequence, filename and size. Just press on the desired column header. Command line: HuaweiUpdateExtractor extract input output [profile] HuaweiUpdateExtractor repack input output profile Profile The profiles.xml file is used to identify the files in the update.app file. Every file in the update.app has a sequence or type, which is also shown in the list. Those sequences or types are used to identify the file/device partition. Example: system.img recovery.img baseband.img version.txt splash.raw565 boot.img cust.img userdata.img signature crc system.img cache.img cust.img userdata.img modemimage.img boot.img recovery.img signature crc - Root tag of the xml file. - Identifies a device - attribute name: name of the device - attribute author: author of the device - File root tag - Identifies a file - attribute sequence: sequence of the file in update.app - attribute type: type of the file in the update.app - attribute partition: destination partition on the device - attribute signature: used to identify the signature file - attribute checksum: used to identify the checksum file - value: file name You can add or edit devices. If you want them to integrate in newer version, pm 'em to me. I'm gonna make some auto update for the device file somewhere in the future Roadmap - You tell me ... Credits ZeBadger (zebadger@hotmail.com) for figuring out the file headers S34Qu4K3 for the P6 partition layout ngamyarthar for adding ALOT of devices! Changelog
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