主要给大家介绍了关于Spring Boot整合Redis的完整步骤,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家学习或者使用Spring Boot具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友们下面来一起学习学习吧
Build messaging applications using the power of Spring Boot; use Spring application events over the Web; use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging with Spring MVC; and use Spring JMS, Redis Pub/Sub and Spring AMQP for reliable messaging solutions. This book covers all the Spring Messaging APIs using Spring Boot. Written by a Pivotal engineer, Spring Boot Messaging is an authoritative guide to the many messaging APIs and how to use these for creating enterprise and integration solutions. You will learn and integrate these messaging APIs with more complex enterprise and cloud applications: for example, you will see how to use Spring Cloud Stream for creating message-driven and cloud native microservices. In addition, you’ll discover the new Spring Integration DSL and use it with Spring Cloud Stream to build integration solutions using every enterprise integration pattern. Finally, you’ll see Spring Reactor and Spring Cloud to take your application to the next level. After reading this book, you will come away with a case study application walk-through and will be able to use it as a template for building your own Spring messaging applications or messaging features within your enterprise or cloud application. What You'll Learn Use the main Spring messaging APIs with Spring Framework 5 Build messaging applications over the Web Use WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP messaging Integrate Spring JMS and Spring AMQP into your applications Work with Spring Cloud Stream and microservices Who This Book Is For Enterprise Java developers who have at least some previous experience with the Spring Framework and/or the Spring platform.
2022-03-23 23:31:42 4.94MB java spring messag
-springboot-bbs- 基于springboot的论坛系统,IDE为理念,主要使用的技术有springboot + mybatis + redis +自定义分页,数据库为mysql,前端为bootstrap + jquery + html5 演示地址:http: : 项目主要的功能为正常博客站点那样,未登录用户可以进行浏览,登录用户可以进行评论,发布,编辑,删除等操作,关于文章和不同用户的评论的展示使用的是自己写的分页,关于整个论坛系统的权限管理问题,以及权限分配,角色分配,会后续完成。登录注册,除了基本的逻辑判断外,还满足了以下要求: 1)手机验证码有效期为60s,超过有效期需要重新获取; 2)同一个手机号每分钟只能获取一次验证码; 3)如果手机验证码输入错误,则需要添加图形验证码,只有图形验证码填写正确,才能获取手机验证码; 4)密码进行MD5编码,存入数据库; 5)注册成功后自动退出到登录页面; 6)手机验证码模拟生成,不需要发送到手机。 登录模块 1)密码连续输错3次后,2分钟内将不能再次登录; 3)登录成功后删除到消息列表页面; 系统展示: 系统首
2022-03-23 09:42:51 22.48MB html redis spring-boot maven
spring boot 实战 源码注释超级详细
2022-03-18 22:03:35 5.92MB spring boot 实战源码
Spring Boot 2 中文 参考手册 中文文档 中文文档都是由软件翻译,翻译内容未检查校对,文档内容仅供参考。
2022-03-18 20:21:17 3.95MB Spring Boot 中文   参考手册
主要介绍了Spring Boot(五)之跨域、自定义查询及分页的的相关资料,需要的朋友可以参考下
2022-03-18 16:03:11 171KB spring boot 跨域 spring
附件是spring boot整合mybatis和hikariCP的示例,本demo的spring boot是2.0以下版本,spring boot 2.0以上版本默认的数据库连接池就是hikariCP。
主要介绍了Spring Boot2.x如何自定义Endpoint,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友可以参考下
2022-03-18 08:56:10 39KB Spring Boot 自定义 Endpoint
服装店后端 使用Spring Boot构建的服装店后端应用程序
2022-03-17 22:17:45 250KB Java
本篇文章主要介绍了spring boot整合CAS Client实现单点登陆验证的示例,小编觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,也给大家做个参考。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
2022-03-17 16:53:15 55KB spring boot 单点登陆 spring